Need help building and deploying monorepo on railway
For some reason I can't connect the github repo. So I tried using the Railway CLI. But the problem with that is it needs me to link. I tried the railway.toml file but I don't think I have the syntax down. So for now, here's my project structure with monorepo, and some context.
Frontend depends on the API dir, for important methods to interact with the Backend. So I need to have the full project on there. But on Railway, I have two services.
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send me the nginx config please
any reason you are proxying requests? vs just having the frontend call the backends domain?
it can't find the Dockerfile most of the times. And I'm reluctant to specify a path because then it'll ignore the API folder? I'm not sure.
I don't understand nginx, unfortunately. This nginx code was written by someone else in the team, and I don't think they understand it either. We're new to complex full stack deployments. Would love to get some guidance (we're in a hackathon :sodead: time's running out)
what's the frontend written in?
frontend vite+react, typescript
backend typescript express
let's fix the lower hanging issues first, remove the proxy stuff and change your frontend code to use an environment variable for the backend host that it will make fetch requests to
the url for the backend is $API_URL. I'll remove all proxy? but where to I set the API_URL then? It's the one that railway provides, in our case, or smth
please see this message for guidance
okay, let me update it and send it over :thumbsup:
Also, do lmk if you prefer that I don't ping you in replies
I didn't really understand using the API url in nginx in the first place. I'm already using that in the frontend via a static class that loads the env and added that in CORS as well.
show me some sample code from your frontend that would make an API request to the backend
So frontend would create an instance of this class like so
then use the methods
show me how API_URL is defined please
This works, tested locally. Endpoint also works, tested via Postman.
is this frontend code?
yeah, it's a file in the Frontend.
why is a file in the frontend referencing the mongo uri?
i'm supposed to delete that line :D_lol:
frontend will only have API_URL
and maybe port, depends on the person writing the frontend
i only work on the backend
lol why was it ever there?
cuz copied this file from the Backend
fair enough
you are missing the needed variables in your Dockerfiles
but Railway isn't detecting the dockerfile at all.
And since we can't connect via github (because we don't own the project, it's part of the hackathon group), we don't know how to get it up and running
we'll get to that, remember, low hanging issues first
hm. ye
i made the nginx changes as you suggested
oh wait. ooo.
So instead of having the Dockerfiles inside the dirs of Frontend and Backend, I keep it in root dir and add these build time variables in the Dockerfile?
so Dockerfile.frontend
Dockerfile.backend in the root dir?
This is because I need it to use the full monorepo each time, because of that API directory (which is a package, using pnpm workspace)
If so, I know I can refernce the correct Dockerfile via railway env variables. But what about the service? I can't connect to github so I have to use the CLI. But with the CLI, it needs me to link a service, either backend or frontend. Soooo, yeah.
I'm not sure what Dockerfile you need me to update. Best to first get the Backend to work. So I add both Dockerfile and service? But what's the point of adding a Dockerfile env in the Dockerfile itself?
you see how confused I am lmao
and thank you for bearing with me
you dont need to move anything, please dont go jumping to conclusions here, remember low hanging issues first
me dumping everything you need to do at once is not helpful, so its going to be one thing at a time
so for now, what do you need me to add to the Backend's Dockerfile?
env for the service?
as the docs say, you need to add ARG lines
you dont need to ping reply me btw
will keep that in mind for future messages :thumbsup:
1. dont specify the value
2. you dont need to echo it, that was purely for demonstration
3. i'm sure your backend needs more than those two variables
4. set the variables in the service variables
ah wait nvm. got it. I'm supposed to set them on the dashboard. brb
that too
that too ah :sodead: what am I missing. okay lemmi do this first then will show u
I think I understand what the args are now.
and railway already has the environment name and service name. So I don't need to create them again on the dash.
And no, I don't need any more args during build for the backend. For the other variables, I already created them on the backend.
lets see the backend Dockerfile
I assume I have to update the Backend stuff I'm using below? instead of hardcoding it?
are you sure you dont need to use some other variables during build?
nothing that relates to my backend atleast
how do you know you dont need environment variables during build
because I've made a similar backend for a separate project before (was less complex), but I didn't need those other variables during build time. I'm not "setting up" anything during build time, except building the Backend code. the start command does everything else and my ENVs are only ever referenced by the code on requests
sounds good, just making sure
show me the frontend service variables in railway please
cool, show me the dockerfile please
it's here
apologies late response
i know, but it needed to be updated so i asked to see it after you have made the changes
please read this docs section
updated Frontend/Dockerfile and added
updated Backend/Dockerfile and added
ENV before both
again, please do not try to skip ahead
wait but this is part of the variables at build time guide
the first instruction
I linked a specific header, not the entire page
I already completed that stuff. I only need service and environment at build time
for your frontend you need more than that
the API_URL? that's not needed at build time
yes it is, this is a static site
API_URL is from the backend though
and I'll only need that when someone interacts with the frontend
the frontend needs that variable to know what url to make requests to.
the frontend is a static site.
thus that variable is needed during build.
looks like this now
does your frontend even use those railway specific environment variables?
it'll need it for the build
because it's a monorepo
how so
oh well, i shouldnt step ahead.
It doesnt need it in the current state
how is vite going to access
if you don't have the correct prefix?the website isn't fetching any data from the backend when it starts btw. atleast right now. So API_URL isn't needed either, really.
yeah, it doesnt
there are no backend enpoints that send anything to the website during build
it's all frontend
it doesn't need to be during build
it's a static site done with vite, correct?
yes it's static during build time
oh btw, got perms for github and connected it to the railway project.
well, service.
have not deployed
it needs fixing :D_lol:
i should probs test locally with docker first
show me the frontend Dockerfile please
back finally :Pray:
vite will only load variables that are prefixed with
decided to use two repos instead of one :yescat: we won the hackathon tho!
thanks for trying to help Brody :smil: