Resolved: Need help with my multi column primary and foreign key table

Turso / libsql, dialect is set to turso
"@libsql/client": "^0.14.0"
"drizzle-orm": "^0.34.1"
"drizzle-kit": "^0.25.0"
Turso / libsql, dialect is set to turso
"@libsql/client": "^0.14.0"
"drizzle-orm": "^0.34.1"
"drizzle-kit": "^0.25.0"
Hey I have created this table:
export const userAsyncTasks = createTable(
userId: text("userId").notNull(),
identifier: text("identifier").notNull(),
type: text("type", { enum: userAsyncTaskTypeEnum }).notNull(),
data: text("data", { mode: "json" }),
startedAt: int("startedAt", { mode: "timestamp" }).notNull(),
timeoutAt: int("timeoutAt", { mode: "timestamp" }),
(table) => ({
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userId, table.type, table.identifier] }),
fk: foreignKey({
columns: [table.userId],
foreignColumns: [],
export const userAsyncTasks = createTable(
userId: text("userId").notNull(),
identifier: text("identifier").notNull(),
type: text("type", { enum: userAsyncTaskTypeEnum }).notNull(),
data: text("data", { mode: "json" }),
startedAt: int("startedAt", { mode: "timestamp" }).notNull(),
timeoutAt: int("timeoutAt", { mode: "timestamp" }),
(table) => ({
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userId, table.type, table.identifier] }),
fk: foreignKey({
columns: [table.userId],
foreignColumns: [],
4 Replies
DariOP5mo ago
The first db push works fine. On a second call without any changes it still tries to "alter" the table. First db:push:
CREATE TABLE `userAsyncTask` (
`userId` text NOT NULL,
`identifier` text NOT NULL,
`type` text NOT NULL,
`data` text,
`startedAt` integer NOT NULL,
`timeoutAt` integer,
PRIMARY KEY(`userId`, `type`, `identifier`),
FOREIGN KEY (`userId`) REFERENCES `user`(`id`) ON UPDATE cascade ON DELETE cascade
CREATE TABLE `userAsyncTask` (
`userId` text NOT NULL,
`identifier` text NOT NULL,
`type` text NOT NULL,
`data` text,
`startedAt` integer NOT NULL,
`timeoutAt` integer,
PRIMARY KEY(`userId`, `type`, `identifier`),
FOREIGN KEY (`userId`) REFERENCES `user`(`id`) ON UPDATE cascade ON DELETE cascade
Second db:push:
CREATE TABLE `__new_userAsyncTask` (
`userId` text NOT NULL,
`identifier` text NOT NULL,
`type` text NOT NULL,
`data` text,
`startedAt` integer NOT NULL,
`timeoutAt` integer,
PRIMARY KEY(`userId`, `type`, `identifier`),
FOREIGN KEY (`userId`) REFERENCES `user`(`id`) ON UPDATE cascade ON DELETE cascade

INSERT INTO `__new_userAsyncTask`("userId", "identifier", "type", "data", "startedAt", "timeoutAt") SELECT "userId", "identifier", "type", "data", "startedAt", "timeoutAt" FROM `userAsyncTask`;
DROP TABLE `userAsyncTask`;
ALTER TABLE `__new_userAsyncTask` RENAME TO `userAsyncTask`;
CREATE TABLE `__new_userAsyncTask` (
`userId` text NOT NULL,
`identifier` text NOT NULL,
`type` text NOT NULL,
`data` text,
`startedAt` integer NOT NULL,
`timeoutAt` integer,
PRIMARY KEY(`userId`, `type`, `identifier`),
FOREIGN KEY (`userId`) REFERENCES `user`(`id`) ON UPDATE cascade ON DELETE cascade

INSERT INTO `__new_userAsyncTask`("userId", "identifier", "type", "data", "startedAt", "timeoutAt") SELECT "userId", "identifier", "type", "data", "startedAt", "timeoutAt" FROM `userAsyncTask`;
DROP TABLE `userAsyncTask`;
ALTER TABLE `__new_userAsyncTask` RENAME TO `userAsyncTask`;
Any suggestions? I've tried defining the foreign key with the foreignKey function and directly in the schema field with .references(). Same result Found the issue.
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userId, table.type, table.identifier] }),
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userId, table.type, table.identifier] }),
The columns need to be in the correct order. So it worked as soon as I changed it to:
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userId, table.identifier, table.type] }),
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userId, table.identifier, table.type] }),
@Andrew Sherman is this intended behaviour or a bug?
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman5mo ago
it's definitely a bug it's great you found a workaround with columns order but ideally kit should not detect a change
DariOP5mo ago
shall i open an issue?
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman5mo ago
I don't think sqlite have the same thing as mysql where order matters I would need to check that as well would be perfect

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