old money outfit
I want a nice old money shirt, I have seen h&m Levi's sites shirts but they are not looking intresting.
Anyone give suggestions with links.
12 Replies
Instructions unclear

@Jawn Moxley don't troll me brother
H&M and old money really do not seem like they go together
Can you give some examples of what you're looking for?
Ah wait
Also having a quick read of this might explain why you're getting trolled a bit https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1250117343493754963/1250117343493754963

Ok 2nd one looks like Polo Ralph Lauren
1st one could be nearly anything, if you post a budget and rough location people can give you some relevant brands to look up
Yeah, these are just button down shirts worn untucked. Not much more to it.
cries in personal style
You are right, that was a bit reductive. What I was getting at was, that there is nothing inherently old money to these shirts.
Haha all good, just teasing