Filament5mo ago

Duplicate navigationbadge query with multitenancy

Hey, I'm using getNavigationFeature() in a FilamentPHP multitenancy app, like this:
public static function getNavigationBadge(): ?string
$waitingTasksCount = CustomerTask::waitingOnCustomer()->count();
return $waitingTasksCount > 0 ? (string) $waitingTasksCount : null;
public static function getNavigationBadge(): ?string
$waitingTasksCount = CustomerTask::waitingOnCustomer()->count();
return $waitingTasksCount > 0 ? (string) $waitingTasksCount : null;
While investigating with Laravel Debugbar, I noticed that the query runs for every tenant the user has access to, which seems unnecessary. For example, if I, as a user, have access to 10 customers, each page load runs 10 queries to get the navigation badge for each customer—even though only the active tenant is displayed and needed. I also noticed that it queries navigation badges for another panel on each page load, leading to even more unnecessary queries. Is there a way to ensure it only runs the query for the selected tenant and only within the same panel or is it a config issue on my end?
3 Replies
JonasOP5mo ago
Hey, I'm using getNavigationFeature() in a FilamentPHP multitenancy app, like this:
public static function getNavigationBadge(): ?string
$waitingTasksCount = CustomerTask::waitingOnCustomer()->count();
return $waitingTasksCount > 0 ? (string) $waitingTasksCount : null;
public static function getNavigationBadge(): ?string
$waitingTasksCount = CustomerTask::waitingOnCustomer()->count();
return $waitingTasksCount > 0 ? (string) $waitingTasksCount : null;
While investigating with Laravel Debugbar, I noticed that the query runs for every tenant the user has access to, which seems unnecessary. For example, if I, as a user, have access to 10 customers, each page load runs 10 queries to get the navigation badge for each customer—even though only the active tenant is displayed and needed. I also noticed that it queries navigation badges for another panel on each page load, leading to even more unnecessary queries. Is there a way to ensure it only runs the query for the selected tenant and only within the same panel?
Arshavir4mo ago
Hey, is that issue was solved?
JonasOP4mo ago
No, haven't found a fix for it

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