Dubai servers

Are dubai servers like not functioning properly? I'm getting 150 or 160 ping instead of my 65-67. Sometimes it shows 68ms but when I start at match its 150 :/
5 Replies
ಅನುಮಾನಾಸ್ಪದ ಕೋತಿ
sad my friend in dubai though is getting good ping could be an internet problem
Kenji-San5mo ago
Hey @ziptiewannabe lets us know where you play from and what is your internet providers name, ill give it a quick check then
dumb5mo ago
yeah no it's your isp buttttt I heard a LOTTTT of people complaining in game about Bahrain and Dubai servers so idk obviously nothing bad as yours but yeah
Kenji-San5mo ago
No description
dumb5mo ago
no tbh well I can't confirm but ppl in my entire lobby had ping going up and down by like 15 I don't play on Dubai cuz Arabic ppl so idk NOT FOR RACIST REASONS MY ARABIC IS RLY BAD

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