502 On websocket
I'm currently developing a websocket app which i've (finally) verified i can connect to when running locally. following prior advice from railway, i ripped out all the TLS logic. When trying to connect to my websocket server on railway, I get hit with 502 errors. i've tried the following protocols before the url:
project ID is 34ad0bec-50ae-4468-b26b-155b63b2b733
Solution:Jump to solution
ssecondly, please read this docs page - https://docs.railway.app/guides/fixing-common-errors#application-failed-to-respond
7 Replies
Project ID:
please provide a link to the domain
@Brody request id is XmS5boHXRPSfxCAB1ho9Mw_2020806880
firstly, you need to use wss
Railway is secure by default, and only secure
ssecondly, please read this docs page - https://docs.railway.app/guides/fixing-common-errors#application-failed-to-respond
I did use wss and got the same result, but thank you.
i'm not sure how to mark this as solved, but those docs reminded me about the host information
thanks brody!
no problem!