[Twig] Is there a way to clean up this dynamic string?

I'm trying to build a dynamic class string:
{% set classes = 'custom-image ' ~ alignment ?? '' ~ ' ' ~ decoration ?? '' %}

<div class="{{ classes|trim }}">
{% include "_components/image.twig" with { image: image.asset } %}
{% set classes = 'custom-image ' ~ alignment ?? '' ~ ' ' ~ decoration ?? '' %}

<div class="{{ classes|trim }}">
{% include "_components/image.twig" with { image: image.asset } %}
This works, but it's kind of messy. I'd also like to eventually be able to have 'alignment' be something like alignment-<alignment> rather than the value. So for example, if alignment = left, right now it just adds left to the class list because it's easiest. But I'd like it to add alignment-left to the class list instead. I know how I can do this but not without making it messy. And even this current iteration, it's not perfect because if alignment is null, then it'll add 2 spaces instead of just one.
9 Replies
ἔρως2w ago
{% set classes = [
alignment ?? '',
decoration ?? ''
]|filter|join(' ') %}
{% set classes = [
alignment ?? '',
decoration ?? ''
]|filter|join(' ') %}
it it doesn't work without the arrow function, change to |filter(v => v) https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/filters/join.html https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/filters/filter.html ^ documentation for you
vince2w ago
Thanks Epic! I don't know why I didn't think about something like that... I think I was thinking I want to build a string so I should use string methods lol... I was able to get it to work just using join, without filter:
{% set classes = [
alignment ?? '',
decoration ?? ''
]|join(' ') %}
{% set classes = [
alignment ?? '',
decoration ?? ''
]|join(' ') %}
ty!! 🙂
ἔρως2w ago
that works too, but it will make double-spaces if you're picky about it, the filter is your friend and you're welcome
vince2w ago
It's not making double spaces in my limited testing but I'll use it if I see it 👀
ἔρως2w ago
if you set decoration but not alignment, it will put 2 spaces
vince2w ago
Ohh I see now! I modified it to this:
{% set classes = [
alignment ?? '',
decoration ?? ''
]|filter(v => v != '')|join(' ') %}
{% set classes = [
alignment ?? '',
decoration ?? ''
]|filter(v => v != '')|join(' ') %}
ἔρως2w ago
just v didn't work?
vince2w ago
I'll make '' to null too Nah
ἔρως2w ago
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