Nuxt5mo ago

SSR useAsyncData still calling the API in client side?

Here is our scenario, when I initially load the page, the API call is made via server side only, no API call from the CMS visible. After navigating to another page (without exiting the site) and then returning to the original page, the developer tools show that the API call is triggered again on the client side. Is there a way to prevent this? We tried getCachedData but still the same behaviour. We just want to block the navigation I guess. This was possible in Nuxt2.
10 Replies
PawieplaysOP5mo ago
Here is our code sample <script setup lang="ts"> import { metaDesc } from '~/utils/seo' const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const { data: pageData } = await useAsyncData('homepage', () => useCmsPageQuery('/'), { getCachedData(key) { return nuxtApp.payload.data[key] || nuxtApp.static.data[key] } }) useHead(metaDesc(pageData?.value?.data?.seo)) </script>
manniL5mo ago
the call shouldn't happen again if the data is present and you use getCachedData 🤔 A reproduction would help!
PawieplaysOP5mo ago
Hello Alex! I always watch your video. Thank you for responding. Actually yes you are correct. Its an incorrect description. The API call won't happen again if you visit the page but, when I navigate to another page (first visit), and check the network tab, you could see the API call from our proxied CMS being shown in the dev tools. I guess our goal is to prevent this and for Nuxt to render the page on server side without calling the API in the client side? Is this possible?
manniL5mo ago
then the page is not correctly prerendered during the build process You can verify that and check whether the payload file exists in the .output/ folder
PawieplaysOP5mo ago
Yep I understand that, but this is SSR, and not static pages. Our data is pretty dynamic and changes a lot in the CMS side. Before we could do this on Nuxt 2, just using asyncData. It will call the APIs in the server side (without calling it in the client side) before serving the page. Is this still possible in Nuxt 3?
manniL5mo ago
ah yes, then it is fully normal to call the API during client-side navigation before serving he page as long as you await the call (as you do here) and it is not lazy.
PawieplaysOP5mo ago
Thanks for confirming, Alex. Although, can we hide that client-side navigation API call?
manniL5mo ago
nope! (Unless you e.g. use a server component) Or you do a full page refresh with an <a> tag but that is bad for UX and perf
PawieplaysOP5mo ago
I see. Thanks for confirming. We thought we could do the same behaviour as we did with Nuxt 2.
manniL5mo ago
I'm not sure if Nuxt 2 has the mentioned behavior to be honest. It should also do a re-fetch on the client-side when the data isn't available while blocking nav

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