Good looking Android Wear watch faces?

Title, paid or not anything is fine, need some new ones and not satisfied with my current ones
20 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
This isn't really a fashion question. Most people definitely aren't paying attention to the face of your smartwatch and if they are your watch is probably obnoxiously big.
whaddupanonOP5mo ago
So is talk about rings also not allowed? Smaller than most smartwatch faces. Also people definitely pay attention cause it gives light
raisinpie5mo ago
Rings are not the same as smart watches, come on now. It's not a fashion question because nobody here will tell you one watch face is more fashionable than another, they're all the same in that regard. That is not true for rings.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
If you were asking about the smartwatch it might be a bit different.
whaddupanonOP5mo ago
So you would say that having having the second watch face would have 0 impact on how fashionable you look and would in no way be related to the other clothes you are wearing. Also, if smartwatch faces are not fashion, then you can disregard the watch face for normal watches in your choice on whether to dress with a certain watch?
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mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Watch faces have barely any impact on your outfit except in really specific menswear / suiting examples that are hugely arcane and only known by a handful of people. These faces make next to no difference. If it bothers you set the screen to go off when not in use (and enjoy the bonus battery life).
raisinpie5mo ago
I'm not gonna lie the left one looks worse than the cartoon character. It's obviously a smartwatch pretending to be a traditional watch and the result just looks weird.
whaddupanonOP5mo ago
I still dont understand why being super specific means it wouldnt be related to fashion and why you would care that I asked the question Totally entitled to that opinion, I was just making a point about the stark differences
raisinpie5mo ago
What pancake is saying is that unless you are wearing very specific menswear/suiting styles, the watch face does not matter, smartwatch or otherwise. That's why it's not related to fashion. You can ask whatever you want, but it's a fashion server so you will get fashion answers.
whaddupanonOP5mo ago
Its a fashion server, which covers specific menswear/suiting styles, ergo this is a related question
raisinpie5mo ago
Are you still looking for an answer to your original question? What I'm saying is no one here has an answer for you that you will like. Do you wear those styles? If not, then you can have any watch face you want. I'd rather not argue about the semantics of your question.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Are you wearing your smart watch in highly traditional suiting in very conservative environments (if you were you wouldn't be wearing a smartwatch)? This is a neat attempt to rule lawyer but we're trying to give you an actual answer that is useful and not have you hone in on details that don't matter that much if at all in a fashion context. Now if you'd asked "does a Garmin fenix look better or worse than an apple watch/pixel watch" etc you might have got a different answer.
whaddupanonOP5mo ago
No I'm just rule lawyering, but I just fundamentally disagree about the nature of watch faces in fashion and definitely believe they can if not subtract from at least complement outfits. But im glad you guys are the true guardians of the word fashion.
carrion5mo ago
lmao worrying about your smartwatch screen related to your fits is like worrying about your phone background, genuinely a non issue.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Sounds like you have strong opinions about smart watch faces and should trust your gut in the app store then.
whaddupanonOP5mo ago
Sounds like you have strong opinions about others having strong opinions about smart watch faces and should trust your hindgut to keep that head in
zeometer5mo ago
imo use the default setting you're already wearing a smart watch, hardly anyone will get close enough to your wrist to determine that your watch face is not aesthetic and if you're in an environment where watch face matters then you probably should just wear an analog or standard digital watch outright
raisinpie5mo ago
bless you zeo
awburkey5mo ago
Smartwatches are almost universally swagless (unless you’re doing tech wear) so what watch face you pick doesn’t matter (I wear a garmin all the time)
ler5mo ago
yeah i wear a fitbit and i picked the one that showed me the info i wanted and didn't think more than that

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