Promise in JavaScript

Hello guys, sorry to disturb you all; I'm learning about promises in JS... can someone just check if my understanding is correct and what you guys can add/pinpoint on this concept please.... here is what I've understood so far: Previously, we used to make use of callbacks to perform sequential execution but this can lead to code being really difficult to understand. Now, with the use of promise, we no longer need callbacks. In order to use a promise, we need to create and return a promise object using the following syntax:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Do some things...})
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Do some things...})
Say we have 4 functions and we need to execute them sequentially, we can now do what is know as method chaining, like this: func_1.then(func_2).then(func_3); ect Please do correct me where I'm wrong... there are things still a bit unclear in my head but I understood the concept overall
14 Replies
ἔρως6mo ago
oh boy, you kicked the hornets' nest no, you don't need to create a promise like that if you use asyncronous functions
FakerOP6mo ago
ah I haven't learnt about the async and await keywords yet
ἔρως6mo ago
that's fine also, you don't necessarily need to return promises for example, callbacks you can use promises to make ajax closer to fetch also, you can return nothing at all to use a promise and no, that's not how you call 4 functions in sequence, necessarily the .then in a promise takes a callback that is executed with the data received from the promise and/or from the last .then by the way, if you want to call 4 functions sequentially, do this:
glutonium6mo ago
so for example, say u make a req to the server to get user data. now it takes an "undefined" amount of time for the server to send a response. let's assume the server responded with 200 (Ok) and responded with user data in JSON string. in order to use that data u need to parse() the json. now that also takes time. depending on factors like how big the data is, parsing can take some amount of time and is handled asynchronously. because of not knowing how long each operation can take, in order to make sure one is ran after another, so parsing is only done ONCE the res has arrived and is ok, u can use the .then() or async await
.then(response => response.json()) // first the res is being parsed
.then(data => console.log(data)) // the parsed data from the previous then() can be accessed here
.catch(err => console.log(err)) // error handling
.then(response => response.json()) // first the res is being parsed
.then(data => console.log(data)) // the parsed data from the previous then() can be accessed here
.catch(err => console.log(err)) // error handling
ἔρως6mo ago
yup, that's right
glutonium6mo ago
wait did i forget to turn of the ping? i hope not sorry if i forgot
ἔρως6mo ago
you turned it off
glutonium6mo ago
ok tnx
ἔρως6mo ago
but the example you show is how people do it
FakerOP6mo ago
is .then() used nowadays or only async and await ?
ἔρως6mo ago
both depends on the situation
glutonium6mo ago
FakerOP6mo ago
ok ok ty guys
ἔρως6mo ago
you're welcome promises are very complicated and very simple, at the same time

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