find chat based on users IDs

I want help writing the query to find the chat between two users knowing their IDs. the schema:
export const directChats = pgTable('direct_chats', {
id: uuid('id').primaryKey().defaultRandom(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
lastMessageAt: timestamp('last_message_at', { withTimezone: true }),

export const chatMembers = pgTable('chat_members', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
chatID: uuid('chat_id')
.references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
joinedAt: timestamp('joined_at', { withTimezone: true })
leftAt: timestamp('left_at', { withTimezone: true }),
userID: integer('user_id')
.references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
role: ChatMemberRole('role').default('member').notNull(),
nickname: varchar('nickname', { length: 50 }),
isBanned: boolean('is_banned').default(false).notNull(),
isMuted: boolean('is_muted').default(false).notNull(),

export const directChatMembers = pgTable(
chatID: uuid('chat_id')
.references(() =>

userID: integer('user_id')
.references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' })

createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
(t) => ({
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [t.chatID, t.userID] }),
export const directChats = pgTable('direct_chats', {
id: uuid('id').primaryKey().defaultRandom(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
lastMessageAt: timestamp('last_message_at', { withTimezone: true }),

export const chatMembers = pgTable('chat_members', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
chatID: uuid('chat_id')
.references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
joinedAt: timestamp('joined_at', { withTimezone: true })
leftAt: timestamp('left_at', { withTimezone: true }),
userID: integer('user_id')
.references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
role: ChatMemberRole('role').default('member').notNull(),
nickname: varchar('nickname', { length: 50 }),
isBanned: boolean('is_banned').default(false).notNull(),
isMuted: boolean('is_muted').default(false).notNull(),

export const directChatMembers = pgTable(
chatID: uuid('chat_id')
.references(() =>

userID: integer('user_id')
.references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' })

createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
(t) => ({
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [t.chatID, t.userID] }),
1 Reply
Anas Badran
Anas BadranOP5mo ago
the function should look something like this:
const findOrCreateChat = async (fromID, targetID) => {
const existingChat = db.query.directChats.findFirst....
const findOrCreateChat = async (fromID, targetID) => {
const existingChat = db.query.directChats.findFirst....

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