Pin 24 on NiceNano stopped working

I noticed my row 1 (ARSTG) stopped working all of a sudden at first I thought it was my pcb board. Since I had a spare corne board i moved the controller to and it was the same behavior. I tested continuity and pin 24 checks out using the ez-solder pins
54 Replies
TyperAI6mo ago
It sounds like you're experiencing a common issue related to the soldering of the pins or a potential short circuit. Since you've already checked continuity on pin 24 and it seems fine, here are a few steps to further troubleshoot the issue: 1. Check the Solder Joints: Ensure that the solder joint for pin 24 on the nice!nano is solid. Sometimes, a cold solder joint can cause intermittent issues. Reheat the joint and add a bit of solder if necessary. 2. Inspect for Shorts: Look for any solder bridges or shorts between pin 24 and nearby pins or traces. Use a multimeter in continuity mode to check if pin 24 is inadvertently connected to any other pins. 3. Diode Check: Each switch has a diode associated with it. Make sure the diode for the affected switch (in row 1) is properly oriented and soldered. If the diode is cracked or not making a good connection, it could cause the row to fail. 4. Switch and Socket: If you're using hotswap sockets, check the socket for the switch in row 1. Sometimes, the contacts can bend or fail. Try replacing the switch with a known working one to see if that resolves the issue. 5. Test with Another Controller: Since you've already tested with a spare Corne board, if the issue persists, it may indicate a problem with the PCB itself or the wiring to that row. If you've gone through these steps and the issue still isn't resolved, it may be beneficial to consult the troubleshooting documentation for further guidance or consider reaching out for more specific support.
codafooOP6mo ago
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Glamatron6mo ago
Might be a burnt out pin? 😕 If you have another MCU to test with, as in TyperAI's #5 that could help narrow the field
codafooOP6mo ago
I have another controller but no headers LOL
Glamatron6mo ago
Ah, rats!
codafooOP6mo ago
i can harvest a controller from another keyboard sorry urchin
Glamatron6mo ago
Just in case it is a solder joint issue, could you try reflowing the solder on just that pin? Smear a little flux on the joint, then apply heat until it melts. If you have some solder wick or a solder sucker, you could try removing most of the old solder, adding a bit of flux to the hole, and re-making the joint. Hopefully if the Urchin is socketed, you can return the MCU after reflashing it
codafooOP6mo ago
nope the pins on that controller are too thick for the board
Glamatron6mo ago
Another thing you can try is to fake a key press with tweezers or a jumper wire. Just gotta figure out which column pin is easiest to use
codafooOP6mo ago
i did reflow it already but i didn't desolder re-solder I'll try that
Glamatron6mo ago
Like, unplug the MCU from the board, carefully put it somewhere relatively static-safe, plug it into USB, and carefully short column to row Yeah it is hard to tell from the photo whether the joint is good. Looks okay at a glance, with maybe a tad more solder than is strictly needed 🙂 (though I am the last person who should be throwing stones about solder joints--some of mine are um... messy 😇)
codafooOP6mo ago
it was less before i added more when i reflowed it, but this is technically the first thing I soldered
Glamatron6mo ago
Not bad for the first time!
codafooOP6mo ago
i somehow managed to kill row 0 desoldering and resoldering 24 so now 22 isn't work as well 😮‍💨 let me try shorting the pins to see what happens i have to make the wire shorting it does seem to work so is it the pins 😅
Glamatron6mo ago
are you shorting "on top" where your solder joints are, or down below where the header pins are? At any rate, if shorting causes keypresses, that seems like the controller is okay (no burnt out pins)
codafooOP6mo ago
Glamatron6mo ago
Okay, hmm. When the MCU is socketed, do you get continuity from the PCB-side solder joint under pin 24 to the MCU-side joint?
codafooOP6mo ago
well i broke a pin then broke another pin lol but i think the issue is the max mill pin for pin 24 is actually just slightly thinner than the others i inspected it really closely under a microscrope and it looked like it was thinner
Glamatron6mo ago
Hmm, so hypothetically it is not making sufficiently reliable contact with the socket?
codafooOP6mo ago
ya i noticed i that i did always have problems with that row I thought it was the home row mods at first
Glamatron6mo ago
Depending how patient you are (rather, are willing to be in this circumstance 🙂 ), you could get a bunch of (or maybe a little longer ones; the ones in the link are 5mm long) and use them instead of the EZ-solder headers. That would involve fully desoldering the headers, though, which can be a little tricky to do cleanly
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3320-0-00-15-00-00-03-0 | DigiKey Electronics
Order today, ships today. 3320-0-00-15-00-00-03-0 – Single Post Terminal Connector Through Hole Gold 0.020" (0.51mm) Dia from Mill-Max Manufacturing Corp.. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
Glamatron6mo ago
Or for that matter just order a new set of EZ-solder headers 😄
codafooOP6mo ago
i cut out and took out the broken pin ez solder headers i should get some of those individual pins wait do the pins fit into the ez solder sockets?
Glamatron6mo ago
Check the diameter of the existing pins you have that are good; the ones I linked from DigiKey are nice and consistent in diameter: nominally 0.020" / 0.51mm but I haven't miked them myself. Though a new set of EZ-solder headers might be more suitable, since it would guarantee the height is as intended.
codafooOP6mo ago
oops well now i have a burnt out pin trying to desolder the pins that broke.... lol
Glamatron6mo ago
codafooOP6mo ago
visually it looks ok 🤔
codafooOP6mo ago
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codafooOP6mo ago
i wonder if a pin and some solder will revive the connection
Glamatron6mo ago
Hopefully! Controller pins can die permanently from electrostatic discharge, but as long as that did not happen, the main issue is physical conductive continuity
Nicell6mo ago
Did you happen to have a magnetic connector or an open case? shorts are the most common reason for this
codafooOP6mo ago
@Nick No, open case or magnetic connector although I did have a magsafe mount underneath the case. BTW this is the left side with Aluminum case and it did also stop working while it was charging. The single row that is otherwise I had it in a 3d printed case with no issues for maybe 2-3 weeks without issue prior and same magsafe mounts under for ~2 weeks? just adding more data points in case there are additional failures related to it 🤷‍♂️
Nicell6mo ago
ok thanks for the data point, I’ll look into it more, we can likely get you a replacement nano
codafooOP6mo ago
My USB cable is metallic too, I wonder if it leaks any sort of electricity:
INIU Official Store
INIU 240W Fast Charging USB C to USB C Cable
✅【From INIU—the SAFE Fast Charge Pro】 Experience the safest charging with over 38 million global users. At INIU, we use only the highest-grade materials, so we do have the confidence to provide an industry-leading 3-year warranty. ✅【Fastest Charging in History】INIU 240W now refreshes the fast-charge record, is the fastest charging in the world b...
codafooOP5mo ago
🤔 it killed the row again it was working before i re-assembled i tested another controller via contact to the max mill as it uses a different header and i was able to press the keys fine and the pins on the controller is dead again it took out the first column as well
Glamatron5mo ago
Sounds like it is getting shocked somehow. Any shorts near the headers or elsewhere on the board?
codafooOP5mo ago
ya, no shorts i wonder if it is my usb-c cable with the aluminum case somehow? or it could also be the battery 🤔 i have 2 other split keyboards that i use the same cable with so that’s 5x units that don’t short out with it since the right split seems fine
codafooOP5mo ago
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codafooOP5mo ago
it is slightly frayed where it bends to connect to battery i think it was pinched against the aluminum top before but it seems random that it would take out that same row? and now the column from a short?
codafooOP5mo ago
back of the corne
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codafooOP5mo ago
i’m still an amateur maybe i’m not testing for shorts properly? i mostly just test continuity between points and use the beep test the only two pins that beep together are the grounds @Nick see above when you get a chance 🥶 btw when i said it killed a row again it was for a brand new nicenano, pin 24 and pin 11 also is dead on this one now. both do not process the signal when shorting against another row/col, i used the firmware reset and re—flashed firmware multiple times to be sure it’s not some sort of user error. I’ll check the other nice nano if pin 11 also has issues. this occurred shortly after i re-assembled the whole unit together thinking it was working and plugged it in to flash my miryoku firmware, and charge it
Nicell5mo ago
this is strange, I don't see why you'd be getting a bunch of shorts can you share a picture of what your case set up is?
codafooOP5mo ago
ya i’m really puzzled by it as well I’m almost scared of putting another controller in. Let me take some pictures and I will post them here
codafooOP5mo ago
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codafooOP5mo ago
also showing my usb cable as i feel it could be related it is metallic and they have a gimmick led that’s shows green when power is going through it but i used the same cable with 5 other split halves with no issues none of the other ones are aluminum though except for the 2nd half which still exhibits no issues i havent been using it that much but i tested just to be sure flashing the left side firmware to it the usb cable is plugged into macbook pro m2 14 inch usb-c port next to power connector (which i don’t use power delivery done via thunderbolt) @Nick any ideas? should I just try a new PCB and see? i ordered a non-metallic cable just in case it doesn't seem like anyone else besides Diego had issues with their aluminum case so I'm thinking it could be the combination of the aluminum case + cable and possibly shoddy soldering as this was the first time I soldered. now 6 keyboards later (and a disapproving wife) i think my handy work has improved 🤣
Nicell5mo ago
I think you'll need a new nano, not a new PCB unless you have shorts on the PCB 🤔 the soldering isn't pretty but I don't see anything particularly wrong from your pictures
codafooOP5mo ago
@Nick i meant a new pcb in addition to a new nano to rule it out as an issue since I would be on a 3rd nano now 🤣 im trying not to reproduce the short it feels strange that it would short so quickly when i swapped to the aluminum case the 2nd time could the screws be causing any issues or the pressure somehow of tightening the screws 🤔
Nicell5mo ago
fair enough. I can send a replacement PCB too. left side? what’s your order number
codafooOP5mo ago
@Nick I actually ordered a new one set already: TA12932 was anxious to get the keyboard back in working order 🤣 maybe refund half the pcb cost on the order if that’s possible? or if you have store credit that works as well i’m sure i’ll order more parts soon
Nicell5mo ago
is this the right one? I’m not seeing a pcb or nano
codafooOP5mo ago
oops TA13190 @Nick this is wild but i think it’s the case somehow it shorted again P1.00 i replaced the usb cable, new pcb, used the spring headers just to make sure i won’t mess anything up 🤣 is it possible the case somehow is retaining a charge? it literally worked for one minute as i was popping switches in p1.00 - p1.11 worked added a few more switches 0.24:1.11, 0.24:1.15, 0.22:.11,.13 then i added 1.00:1.15 and i got no output for it…. tested 1.00:1.11 and nothing pulled the controller out and tried the pin and it was dead ☠️ I noticed 1.15 is dead too, so it seems like it takes out the whole row + col
Nicell5mo ago
are you Cesar on email?
codafooOP5mo ago
@Nick yep
Nicell5mo ago
ok great, we’ll get this figured out

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