Novu6mo ago

Notifications are not displayed in Activity Feed

We are using Firebase provider for push notifications on self hosted Novu. Push notifications worked perfectly. However, an error appeared: "Sending message failed due to "Operation is not implemented, or supported, or enabled. Raw server response: "{"error":{"code":501,"message":"Operation is not implemented, or supported, or enabled.","status":"UNIMPLEMENTED"}}""" We have updated everything to version 0.24.3 (API to version 0.24.0) The API event trigger works, but there are no new notifications in Activity Feed, which complicates further testing of the system API response: { "data": { "acknowledged": true, "status": "processed", "transactionId": "c22cc6be-ac27-49e8-ab12-c1962c6acf9d" } }
6 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
@mimili As you mentioned that you have already upgraded docker images. Could you please check if worker container is running? or do you see any error in container logs?
mimiliOP6mo ago
Hi @Pawan Jain Yes, everything is running. Here's an example, our service sends an API request to self hosted Novu request body: {"name":"new_consultation_message","overrides":{"fcm":{"android":{"data":{"body_loc_key":"new_consultation_message_body","title_loc_key":"new_consultation_message_title"},"priority":"high"},"apns":{"headers":{"apns-priority":"5"},"payload":{"aps":{"alert":{"loc-key":"new_consultation_message_body","title-loc-key":"new_consultation_message_title"}}}},"fcmOptions":{"analyticsLabel":"new_consultation_message"},"type":"data"}},"payload":{"action_type":"open_consultation","consultation_id":"*****","type":"new_consultation_message"},"to":{"subscriberId":"*****"}} response: {"data":{"acknowledged":true,"status":"processed","transactionId":"e04cd61f-c360-43c3-a524-1100b614f5ed"}} There are no errors in the logs But the logs look different than on the previous version and there are no new entries in the DB I attached a screenshot of the logs when calling the trigger (novu-api ) Thank you very much for your answer and your further help
No description
mimiliOP6mo ago
No description
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
@mimili Could you please check worker logs ?
mimiliOP6mo ago
Hi @Pawan Jain We have completely installed the new version from scratch. And the problem is solved. Thank you very much for your help and support. Have a nice day!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
Thanks for the update @mimili

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