BlueBuild6mo ago

Building custom ARM64 images?

Hello! Is it possible to build arm64 images with Blue-Build? If so, what should be changed in the build recipe or the GitHub workflow, based on the Blue-Build template? I found this PR (https://github.com/blue-build/cli/pull/191) from the blue-build/cli repo mentioning ARM, but as far as I can see it's only adding support for building an ARM64 binary for the cli tool. Or is it better to try building from scratch by writing a Containerfile? The docs about this topic aren't finished yet unfortunately (https://blue-build.org/how-to/from-scratch/), but this link seems to have some useful information: https://github.com/ublue-os/website/pull/688/files As far as I can see, there are no prebuilt Ublue OCI images for ARM64 either so I'd have to start with Fedora Silverblue or similar as a base, correct? I'm happy for any advice, thank you!
feat: Add arm support by gmpinder · Pull Request #191 · blue-build/...
This adds support for ARM based images and binaries.
feat: syncing page and minimal setup page for tinkerer's guide by x...
Tackles #331 while adding some syncing instructions. The minimal setup stuff has been tested here: https://github.com/xynydev/test-minimal-oci
73 Replies
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
You're pretty much on point so far. The basic requirements would be to run the bulid on an arm64 runner (self-hosted or otherwise) and use an arm64 base image The modules are written in bash and as you've found, the CLI is being compiled for ARM so you can install the binary and use it immediately on an arm based machine We've just not done any of that ourselves
NargaOP6mo ago
Thanks! I used the blue-build cli to build a basic Containerfile and will try it with podman build --arch am64 first, on an x86 machine using qemu. Let's see if that can produce anything and then I'll need to go from there. One of the main culprits for ARM is the bootloader currently since usually ARM SBCs like Raspberry Pi and others don't support UEFI.
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
Maybe adding a platform arg would be useful 🤔
NargaOP6mo ago
Add a platform or arch arg to the bluebuild cli you mean? That would definitely make some things easier! Probably shouldn't be too difficult to implement. But for now, just using the bluebuild cli to generate a Containerfile is also pretty nice.
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
It'd be real easy to add Think I might do that after I'm done with this bug
NargaOP6mo ago
That will be great!
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
I think I've got it working Some packages might fail to install lol I should probably also find a way to have the architecture easily available as an env var during building
NargaOP6mo ago
Sounds good! Is there a reason you chose to use --platform instead of --arch? (linux/arm64 versus just arm64) Is this considered best practice? If so, I'll try to use --platform in my test builds as well
tulip🌷6mo ago
❯ podman build --help | grep arch
--arch string set the ARCH of the image to the provided value instead of the architecture of the host (default "amd64")
--dns-search strings set custom DNS search domains
--platform OS/ARCH[/VARIANT] set the OS/ARCH[/VARIANT] of the image to the provided value instead of the current operating system and architecture of the host (for example "linux/arm") (default [linux/amd64])
❯ podman build --help | grep arch
--arch string set the ARCH of the image to the provided value instead of the architecture of the host (default "amd64")
--dns-search strings set custom DNS search domains
--platform OS/ARCH[/VARIANT] set the OS/ARCH[/VARIANT] of the image to the provided value instead of the current operating system and architecture of the host (for example "linux/arm") (default [linux/amd64])
should probably be the exact same? --arch apparently lets you crossbuild images
❯ podman run --platform linux/aarch64 --rm hello-world
exec /usr/local/bin/podman_hello_world: exec format error

❯ podman run --arch aarch64 --rm hello-world
exec /usr/local/bin/podman_hello_world: exec format error
❯ podman run --platform linux/aarch64 --rm hello-world
exec /usr/local/bin/podman_hello_world: exec format error

❯ podman run --arch aarch64 --rm hello-world
exec /usr/local/bin/podman_hello_world: exec format error
NargaOP6mo ago
Well I guess --platform linux/aarch64 is the same as --arch aarch64 if your host is Linux 😄 The step I'm currently struggling with is generating an image file of the rootfs (iso/img or even a rootfs tar file) from the built OCI image. Any tips on which tool might be usable for this task? build-container-installer (https://github.com/JasonN3/build-container-installer) only seems to work on x86 and not for building an arm64 ISO.
tulip🌷6mo ago
you know what? --platform linux/* could be the best thing to use due to it being technically portable between OSes like, you could just use a single command for building a linux container in both freeBSD and linux :p super dumb thing but still kinda interesting if you want to build a rootfs image you can do podman run --name $CONTAINER localhost:$BUILT_IMAGE /bin/false then podman save $CONTAINER > test.tar and push it into github artifacts building an ISO shouild be actually pretty easy! check out this thing:
tulip🌷6mo ago
Atomic-Studio/.github/workflows/build-iso.yml at main · atomic-stud...
Operating system based on Fedora Atomic meant for content creators and artists - atomic-studio-org/Atomic-Studio
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh aw this thing died, didnt know cant you set ARCH to aarch64?
NargaOP6mo ago
Very cool, I didn't know that, thanks! I'll miss out on all the automated goodness that the ISO builders have, like signing/verification and stuff. But the advantage is that if I only have the rootfs I can partition the img file myself. The builders typically partition with EFI and grub, which isn't really a thing on ARM (apart from some exceptions). Instead there is U-Boot as bootloader. Yeah this also is mostly build-container-installer 😅 I can, but it doesn't work. https://github.com/JasonN3/build-container-installer/issues/141
tulip🌷6mo ago
i thought it was still being maintained :( oooooh
tulip🌷6mo ago
No description
tulip🌷6mo ago
fedora doesnt have the damn cdboot thing for grub-efi on aarch64 thats why it doesnt work...
NargaOP6mo ago
😦 Well every project is a time and work effort. If the upstream project is "good enough", then it's good to use the time and energy elsewhere imo 😄 Mmm yeah seems like it! Thanks for your effort! I wish I could just disable the installation of grub and efi related stuff, since I'd need to remove that afterwards anyway 😅
tulip🌷6mo ago
it seems that at least previously there were some packages for that though its kinda weird that they just removed it from fedora? wdym? are you installing systemd-boot?
NargaOP6mo ago
Maybe it was there in Fedora 39 but not in 40? Distros change over time and add or remove packages, that's pretty normal I believe.
tulip🌷6mo ago
honestly, no idea. i checked out the places that have that specific package and it seems like oracle linux has a grub2-efi-aa64-cdboot package in its repos it just contains two EFI files though thats it
NargaOP6mo ago
No, ARM usually doesn't work with EFI, which means grub and systemd-boot is pretty much useless. Normally U-Boot (https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot) is used as the bootloader, which can directly load the kernel and the specific device's devicetree (or extlinux, in theory it can even load grub but that'd be just an extra layer that's not needed if you can load the kernel directly)
GitHub - u-boot/u-boot: "Das U-Boot" Source Tree
"Das U-Boot" Source Tree. Contribute to u-boot/u-boot development by creating an account on GitHub.
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh! yeyeyeah! have you used systemd-repart at some point? (or heard of it) probably generating the rootfs tarball, removing all the grub things and installing systemd-repart should be your solution for the img approach
NargaOP6mo ago
Yeah I think I tried to use it at some point, but failed to understand how to use it in the initramfs phase. I tried to use it to extend a partition and its filesystem iirc (if it's the tool which I think it is)
tulip🌷6mo ago
yeah its the thing that extends the partitions on first-boot i guess you are building this image to just work on a single device right?
NargaOP6mo ago
Yeah, but have you tried to extend a rootfs filesystem with it that can't be extended while mounted? If you know how to do that, please let me know! I think I spent over 10 hours before giving up 😅 (Of course you can't simply unmount the rootfs on the running system, so likely the only option would be initramfs while the rootfs is not yet mounted. There is some systemd doc I believe that claims that systemd can run during initramfs but I had no idea how to achieve that)
tulip🌷6mo ago
you should be able to include the systemd tag in dracut.conf itll just use systemd on the initramfs from there
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh sorry jesus christ my keyboard
add_dracutmodules += " systemd "
add_dracutmodules += " systemd "
NargaOP6mo ago
Yes, the image can only be built for one specific device since the bootloader needs to have the device's devicetree hardcoded (so it knows which device it is running on) Cool, thanks! The system I was working on didn't have dracut unfortunately and switching to it is quite a process. Especially on Debian/Ubuntu where software packages are lacking behind a lot 😅
tulip🌷6mo ago
oh yea :p makes sense honestly
NargaOP6mo ago
I don't quite understand what you meant by this though. How can systemd-repart help with img generation? Or did you mean use it to extend the rootfs partition on boot?
tulip🌷6mo ago
but still like, you could make a script run on the github actions runner that just builds your thing for you like this:
# include the systemd-repart, dracut configuration, uboot-tools and devicetree in the base image (also generate the initramfs from there)

apt install -y util-linux bubblewrap podman

podman run --name $CONTAINER $IMAGE /bin/true
podman export $CONTAINER -o export.tar
mkdir -p rootfs/boot
tar -xvf export.tar -C rootfs
qemu-img create -f raw $DISKIMAGE $(du -sh export.tar | cut -d" " -f1)
rm export.tar
label: gpt
unit: sectors
first-lba: 64
name=spl, start=64, size=16320, type=8DA63339-0007-60C0-C436-083AC8230908
name=uboot, start=16384, size=16384, type=8DA63339-0007-60C0-C436-083AC8230908
name=boot, start=32768, size=2GiB, type=BC13C2FF-59E6-4262-A352-B275FD6F7172, bootable, attrs="LegacyBIOSBootable"
losetup -fP $DISKIMAGE
mkfs.vfat -L BOOT /dev/loop(IDK YET)p(3 - for boot partition)
mkfs.btrfs /dev/loop(IDK)p(4 - for root partition)
mount /dev/loop(IDK)p4 /mnt
mount /dev/loop(IDK)p3 /mnt/boot
rsync -avhx rootfs/* /mnt
bwrap --dev-bind /dev /dev --proc /proc --bind /mnt / /bin/sh -c "update-uboot ; genfstab -t PARTLABEL / > /etc/fstab ; exit"
umount /mnt/boot
umount /mnt
losetup -d /dev/loop(IDK)

# then publish the artifacts to github
# include the systemd-repart, dracut configuration, uboot-tools and devicetree in the base image (also generate the initramfs from there)

apt install -y util-linux bubblewrap podman

podman run --name $CONTAINER $IMAGE /bin/true
podman export $CONTAINER -o export.tar
mkdir -p rootfs/boot
tar -xvf export.tar -C rootfs
qemu-img create -f raw $DISKIMAGE $(du -sh export.tar | cut -d" " -f1)
rm export.tar
label: gpt
unit: sectors
first-lba: 64
name=spl, start=64, size=16320, type=8DA63339-0007-60C0-C436-083AC8230908
name=uboot, start=16384, size=16384, type=8DA63339-0007-60C0-C436-083AC8230908
name=boot, start=32768, size=2GiB, type=BC13C2FF-59E6-4262-A352-B275FD6F7172, bootable, attrs="LegacyBIOSBootable"
losetup -fP $DISKIMAGE
mkfs.vfat -L BOOT /dev/loop(IDK YET)p(3 - for boot partition)
mkfs.btrfs /dev/loop(IDK)p(4 - for root partition)
mount /dev/loop(IDK)p4 /mnt
mount /dev/loop(IDK)p3 /mnt/boot
rsync -avhx rootfs/* /mnt
bwrap --dev-bind /dev /dev --proc /proc --bind /mnt / /bin/sh -c "update-uboot ; genfstab -t PARTLABEL / > /etc/fstab ; exit"
umount /mnt/boot
umount /mnt
losetup -d /dev/loop(IDK)

# then publish the artifacts to github
@Narga this is just a rough sketch but it could actually work when worked upon
NargaOP6mo ago
Thanks a lot, this looks great! I'll try to adapt this later. I already tried to build a custom RPM package for the custom kernel which is needed. In the RPM package I have instructions to remove all the default kernel packages, but I still need to figure out which kernel files I need to copy into the final image to make it work. I never made an RPM package before, so these .spec files are actually quite intimidating for me 😂
tulip🌷6mo ago
no need to suffer, just use rpkg for building the spec file its so much easier, like, really
tulip🌷6mo ago
GitHub - atomic-studio-org/Theming: Theming for Atomic Studio
Theming for Atomic Studio. Contribute to atomic-studio-org/Theming development by creating an account on GitHub.
tulip🌷6mo ago
check out rpkg*, src/**/**/*.rpkg.spec and Containerfile but yeah .spec files really suck
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
Mostly to ensure it's building on a linux platform I've still got some things to work out in the PR, but it should be good soon
NargaOP6mo ago
Rpkg? Another thing I need to have a look at. Thanks for pointing me to it 🙂 I had a look at the Fedora kernel spec and it looks humongously complex. I'll keep it simple 😅
NargaOP6mo ago
No description
NargaOP6mo ago
Progress, yay 😄 There's a whole heap of things to do still, though.
tulip🌷6mo ago
very nice!
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
Ok I've got it working I'm going to try to get this out in a patch either today or tomorrow
NargaOP6mo ago
Awesome, thanks! That's very cool. I just saw the new release is already out 💜 What do you think about being able to set the arch/platform in the recipe?
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
That could be worth a shot @dev what do you think?
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
trying to catch up on this thread, this is big news what upstream images are available for arm? or is this support for composing arm images from scratch either way good stuff!
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
It seems the fedora atomic images already have arm version being created I'm just making it easier to build arm images via bluebuild As far as I know, Ublue hasn't created any official arm images
xyny6mo ago
would that change containerfile templating as well or just the build process? im not sure if it would be a better fit in the recipe or as a cli arg especially if building for multiple arches is a viable usecase
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
So doing it in the recipe would allow me to build both images and put them together with a single manifest so that they are a multi-architecture image. These would take way longer to build because arm just takes a while but we do the same thing that work all the time for our images because our devs are on both x86 and arm To support this, I would need to continue work on trying to do multi-recipe builds using compose files. That would probably be the best way to go about this. I'd still have to test to make sure that that would be possible, but other than that, we can totally do a multi-architecture image deal. But to answer your question, it's just the build process. The container file would stay the same. It would just be built using two different platform arguments. We could then use the CLI arg to override the list of architectures to build.
xyny6mo ago
Do architectures need to be separated by tags or is that handled by the OCI standard? If it's done natively I'd be pretty much on board with listing arches in the recipe
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
They can use the same tag. Podman and docker has the ability to take two images and join them under a single manifest and tag them as a single image. When a user pulls the image, it will attempt to pull the architecture that matches the user's machine It's intended use is for multi-arch images So it's a standard pattern
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
If you go here https://quay.io/repository/fedora/fedora-kinoite?tab=tags you can see that some tags have multiple architectures
Quay is the best place to build, store, and distribute your containers. Public repositories are always free.
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
got it, wouldn't this make it possible though to use bluebuild to recreate ublue-os/main and ublue-os/hwe but for arm and using bluebuild?
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
Yeah totally
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
😮 interesting
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
You would have to translate their containerfiles over to a recipe Hell you could use the containerfile module for an easier transfer
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
I'd rather do the former tbh to this day the scope of ublue-os/main remains unclear to me and if I'm going to make a copy of it to enable arm for secureblue, I might as well make the scope clear and build it for x86 too
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
I'm glad there seems to be interest in this. I think this would be a great new feature to add
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
which feature, arm support?
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
I might end up using this to build myself an image for my VM for work
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
or being able to use fedora images?
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
Multi-arch recipes
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
ohh yeah would be cool
fiftydinar6mo ago
ublue-os/main image in BlueBuild would be cool only manual part outside of BlueBuild would be signing the kernel
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
Yeah I don't want to get into that lol
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
i don't really either tbh but I can't tell what the ublue timeline is for arm
fiftydinar6mo ago
when GitHub officially releases ARM builders for free
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
oh right
fiftydinar6mo ago
but we can have this earlier if we propose them this idea
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
wait isn't that the case for bluebuild too?
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
You can take advantage of arm emulation It's super slow But it works
RoyalOughtness6mo ago
oh i see
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker6mo ago
The github builders appear to already have qemu setup to allow this too

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