nuxt/storybook does not work
I'm pretty new to Nuxt, but I don't know what I'm missing with these 'zero config' modules, but I haven not had a good experience so far. Is anyone able to get this Storybook module to work - ? I'm just trying test it , so I made a boilerplate project and the only other module I have is the Vuetify module.
I'm getting this error when I run
npm run dev
these are the steps I took (exaclty whats on the documentation)
* install npx nuxi@latest module add storybook
* then I built the default files with this - npx storybook-nuxt init
Attached is the picture of the error, my package.json and nuxt.confit.ts file.
What am I missing here?

2 Replies
might be a storybook issue. does it make a difference to turn on shamefully hoisting?
How is that configurable in a Nuxt project? this is the only documentation I found on shamefully-hoist , but its not clear to me how to apply it @danielroe , would I make a .npmrc file and set
? If so, I did that and the same issue came up in console.