$fetch inside API
Hello, I try to do a nested fetch. First one is Clientside inside a page
second inside the server in this api inside
Why the second one doesnt work, and how to make a fetch from API to API?2 Replies
First, await the fetch.
Ok, problem solved.
I am using lucia auth, and it passed the cookies to the server which was validating it in server middleware. The second $fetch didnt pass thr cookies, so it didnt work. Instead you need to use event.$fetch
Alexander Lichter released a video a few days ago about this topic:
Alexander Lichter
Passing Cookies with event.$fetch and useRequestFetch in Nuxt
Ever wondered why cookies are not passed correctly to subrequests - e.g. during SSR or when using Nitro/H3? Then this video is for you. Together we have a look how to pass all the important information, including event context and headers to further calls, eliminating different behavior on server and client.
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