Lacking space within distrobox
Not sure whether this is a problem caused by the immutable file system or just a distrobox error, but when I run
ujust update
my davinciibox distrobox says that it has run out of space to install the packages in /usr:
GitHub - zelikos/davincibox: Container for DaVinci Resolve installa...
Container for DaVinci Resolve installation and runtime dependencies on Linux - zelikos/davincibox
Solution:Jump to solution
ask on the ublue discord, davincibox github, or some distrobox community space if you can't figure it out
3 Replies
if your disk isn't actually full, probably a distrobox error
check with
df -h
file system shouldnt be the causeSolution
ask on the ublue discord, davincibox github, or some distrobox community space if you can't figure it out
Fab cheers!