arktype6mo ago

How would you define an object with optional keys, but require at least one of the keys to be filled

An example of a very basic schema:
const schema = type({ a: type.string.optional(), b: type.string.optional() });
const schema = type({ a: type.string.optional(), b: type.string.optional() });
I'd like this to accept values {a: 'foo'}, { b: 'foo' }, and { a: 'foo', b: 'bar' }, but fail on {}. It would be a lovely bonus for the type to be inferred as { a: string, b?: string } | { a?: string, b: string } as well. Is there a way to do this without explicitly specifying that inferred type as an arktype union using .or?
8 Replies
Dimava6mo ago
type(...).narrow((e, ctx) => Object.keys(e).length > 0 || ctx.mustBe('not empty object'))
type(...).narrow((e, ctx) => Object.keys(e).length > 0 || ctx.mustBe('not empty object'))
reminder: the ideomatic definitions in ArkType look like
const schema = type({
'a?': 'string'
'b?': 'string'
const schema = type({
'a?': 'string'
'b?': 'string'
francisOP6mo ago
this doesn't change the type of the expression, though. A literal type of {} is still assignable to the type of narrowed.infer
Dimava6mo ago
import { type } from 'arktype'

type HasKeys<T> = { [K in keyof T]: Required<Pick<T, K>> }[keyof T]

const schema = type({
'a?': 'string',
'b?': 'string',
}).narrow((value, ctx): value is typeof value & HasKeys<typeof value> => {
return Object.keys(value).length > 0 || ctx.mustBe('not empty object');

let x: typeof schema.infer = {a: ''}
import { type } from 'arktype'

type HasKeys<T> = { [K in keyof T]: Required<Pick<T, K>> }[keyof T]

const schema = type({
'a?': 'string',
'b?': 'string',
}).narrow((value, ctx): value is typeof value & HasKeys<typeof value> => {
return Object.keys(value).length > 0 || ctx.mustBe('not empty object');

let x: typeof schema.infer = {a: ''}
TizzySaurus6mo ago
The only native way would be a union type({"a?": "string", b: "string"}).or({"a": "string", "b?": "string"}) But obviously that doesn't scale very well May still be suitable though, depending on your actual use case
francisOP6mo ago
ah yeah. hm
francisOP6mo ago
I was hoping there would be a native operation for this, similar to how https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/require-at-least-one.d.ts works at the type level
type-fest/source/require-at-least-one.d.ts at main · sindresorhus/t...
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ssalbdivad6mo ago
This is how TypeScript works, so it wouldn't really be appropriate to change it by default. Something like Dimava's solution is your best bet
francisOP6mo ago
ah, I wasn't asking for a default change, to be clear it would be nice to have a 'best practices' way to do this, either added as a function somewhere in the arktype package, or as a documentation resource (the above doesn't work in a world where you allow extra keys, fyi - though I don't actually need this anymore, I found a different solution)

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