arktype5mo ago

Is there a recommended way to transform a type union into a discriminated union by adding a tag?

I'm not sure I'm describing this well, but I have a situation with two types that I am .or-ing together. It all works, but I'm interacting with a library that needs a discriminated union to function properly for type narrowing, and I am not sure how to add a discriminated union tag based on which type in the Or resolved (if that makes sense?) Here's a simple example to demonstrate:
const first = type({ key: "string" });
const second = type({ key: "number" });
const combined = first.or(second);
const first = type({ key: "string" });
const second = type({ key: "number" });
const combined = first.or(second);
I'd like to have this be resolve to e.g. { key: string, tag: 'first' } | { key: number, tag: 'second' } based on which branch in the union was followed. I've tried it with this:
const first = type({ key: "string" }).pipe((o) => ({ ...o, _tag: "first" }) as const);
const second = type({ key: "number" }).pipe((o) => ({ ...o, _tag: "second" }) as const);
const combined = first.or(second);
const first = type({ key: "string" }).pipe((o) => ({ ...o, _tag: "first" }) as const);
const second = type({ key: "number" }).pipe((o) => ({ ...o, _tag: "second" }) as const);
const combined = first.or(second);
and it works - but seems inelegant. Is there a more idiomatic solution?
5 Replies
francisOP5mo ago
Related generic typescript question, I've defined the following:
const addTag =
<S extends string>(_tag: S) =>
<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(obj: T) => ({ ...obj, _tag });
const addTag =
<S extends string>(_tag: S) =>
<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(obj: T) => ({ ...obj, _tag });
If I call myType.pipe(addTag('foo')), I get a Record<string, unknown> out. However, if I change this call to myType.pipe((obj) => addTag('foo')(obj)), I get the expect type back. Any ideas what's happening? it's not my function either hm, if I define const addSuccess = <T extends Record<string, unknown>>(obj: T) => ({ ...obj, _tag: 'success' }); passing that into pipe also doesn't work without creating an arrow function inside the pipe call yeah, for some reason it's not actually providing a type to the generic when I use the generic function directly (gentle bump - is there a better way than piping on each schema that makes up the union? also, still not sure how to pipe to a named function variable rather than an inline arrow one in a way that typechecks)
Dimava5mo ago
import { scope } from 'arktype'
import { distill, Out } from 'arktype/out/keywords/inference'
import { instantiateType } from 'arktype/out/methods/instantiate'

type addTag<tag> = {
<V>(o: V): V & {_tag: tag}

type applyTag<$> = {
[tag in keyof $]: (In: distill.brandable.In<$[tag]>) => Out<distill.Out<$[tag]> & {_tag: tag}>
type oneOfScope<$> = instantiateType<$[keyof $], $> extends infer r ? r : never

export function addTagAndUnionize<const def>(
def: scope.validate<def>
): oneOfScope<applyTag<scope.infer<def>>> {
return scope({
.map(([k, v]) => [k, [v, '=>', ((o: object) => ({...o, _tag: k}))]])
) as {},
_result: Object.keys(def).join(' | ') as 'unknown.any'
}).export()._result as any

let T = addTagAndUnionize({
foo: {x: 'number'},
bar: {x: 'string'}

let v = T.assert({})
import { scope } from 'arktype'
import { distill, Out } from 'arktype/out/keywords/inference'
import { instantiateType } from 'arktype/out/methods/instantiate'

type addTag<tag> = {
<V>(o: V): V & {_tag: tag}

type applyTag<$> = {
[tag in keyof $]: (In: distill.brandable.In<$[tag]>) => Out<distill.Out<$[tag]> & {_tag: tag}>
type oneOfScope<$> = instantiateType<$[keyof $], $> extends infer r ? r : never

export function addTagAndUnionize<const def>(
def: scope.validate<def>
): oneOfScope<applyTag<scope.infer<def>>> {
return scope({
.map(([k, v]) => [k, [v, '=>', ((o: object) => ({...o, _tag: k}))]])
) as {},
_result: Object.keys(def).join(' | ') as 'unknown.any'
}).export()._result as any

let T = addTagAndUnionize({
foo: {x: 'number'},
bar: {x: 'string'}

let v = T.assert({})
francisOP5mo ago
wow, you're amazing we should collect all this stuff in an arktype recipes resource somewhere. Maybe not included in the package, but helpful reusable bits
Dimava5mo ago
Yes I am Would be useful I guess
francisOP5mo ago
the 'make a tagged union from a list of definitions', 'require at least one key from an object', etc... I suspect these are not problems only I will have especially the tagged union from definition list which I am using to deal with some horrid APIs where an error is indicated by the presence of a key on an otherwise identical object

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