query based on deep relations

I need help modifying the query code to properly query the chat where it has the the two members.
export const findOrCreateChat = async (fromID: number, toID: number) => {
const existingchat = await db.query.chats.findFirst({
with: { members: true },
where(fields, { and, eq }) {
// the line below needs fix.
return and(eq(chatMembers.userID, fromID), eq(chatMembers.userID, toID));

if (existingchat) {
return existingchat;

const newChat = await db
name: `new chat`,

await db.insert(chatMembers).values([
{ chatID: newChat[0].id, userID: fromID },
{ chatID: newChat[0].id, userID: toID },

return newChat[0];
export const findOrCreateChat = async (fromID: number, toID: number) => {
const existingchat = await db.query.chats.findFirst({
with: { members: true },
where(fields, { and, eq }) {
// the line below needs fix.
return and(eq(chatMembers.userID, fromID), eq(chatMembers.userID, toID));

if (existingchat) {
return existingchat;

const newChat = await db
name: `new chat`,

await db.insert(chatMembers).values([
{ chatID: newChat[0].id, userID: fromID },
{ chatID: newChat[0].id, userID: toID },

return newChat[0];
1 Reply
Anas Badran
Anas BadranOP4mo ago
the schema:
export const messages = pgTable('messages', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
content: text('content').notNull(),
chatID: integer('chat_id')
.references(() => chats.id),
senderID: integer('from_id')
.references(() => users.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
isEdited: boolean('is_edited').default(false).notNull(),

export const chats = pgTable('chats', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
image: varchar('image'),
bio: text('bio'),

export const chatMembers = pgTable('chat_member', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
chatID: integer('chat_id')
.references(() => chats.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
joinedAt: timestamp('joined_at', { withTimezone: true })
leftAt: timestamp('left_at'),
userID: integer('user_id')
.references(() => users.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' })

export const chatRelations = relations(chats, ({ many }) => ({
members: many(chatMembers),
messages: many(messages),

export const chatMemberssRelations = relations(chatMembers, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(users, {
fields: [chatMembers.userID],
references: [users.id],
chat: one(chats, {
fields: [chatMembers.chatID],
references: [chats.id],

export const messagessRelations = relations(messages, ({ one }) => ({
chat: one(chats, {
fields: [messages.chatID],
references: [chats.id],
sender: one(users, { fields: [messages.senderID], references: [users.id] }),
export const messages = pgTable('messages', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
content: text('content').notNull(),
chatID: integer('chat_id')
.references(() => chats.id),
senderID: integer('from_id')
.references(() => users.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
isEdited: boolean('is_edited').default(false).notNull(),

export const chats = pgTable('chats', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true })
name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
image: varchar('image'),
bio: text('bio'),

export const chatMembers = pgTable('chat_member', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
chatID: integer('chat_id')
.references(() => chats.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
joinedAt: timestamp('joined_at', { withTimezone: true })
leftAt: timestamp('left_at'),
userID: integer('user_id')
.references(() => users.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' })

export const chatRelations = relations(chats, ({ many }) => ({
members: many(chatMembers),
messages: many(messages),

export const chatMemberssRelations = relations(chatMembers, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(users, {
fields: [chatMembers.userID],
references: [users.id],
chat: one(chats, {
fields: [chatMembers.chatID],
references: [chats.id],

export const messagessRelations = relations(messages, ({ one }) => ({
chat: one(chats, {
fields: [messages.chatID],
references: [chats.id],
sender: one(users, { fields: [messages.senderID], references: [users.id] }),
this code is certainly invalid, I need soemone to write they query to select the chat that has two members the sender and the target, based on their IDs.
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