Python Poetry package-mode flag throws Nixpacks docker build errors
Project ID:
We're evaluating a test deployment for migrating some of our services to Railway. Presently, there's an issue using Poetry's package-mode
flag that causes build errors in Nixpacks / Docker.
Errors in Railway's build log:
13.13 The Poetry configuration is invalid: 13.13 - Additional properties are not allowed ('package-mode' was unexpected) ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c python -m venv --copies /opt/venv && . /opt/venv/bin/activate && pip install poetry==$NIXPACKS_POETRY_VERSION && poetry install --no-dev --no-interaction --no-ansi" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 Error: Docker build failedPoetry documentation:
Basic usage | Documentation | Poetry - Python dependency managemen...
Basic usage For the basic usage introduction we will be installing pendulum, a datetime library. If you have not yet installed Poetry, refer to the Introduction chapter.
Project setup First, let’s create our new project, let’s call it poetry-demo:
poetry new poetry-demo This will create the poetry-demo directory with the following content:
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