Aggregating the count of a relationship

Hi there, In my data model I have "reflections" which are basically "posts" and I have "reactions". One reflection can have many reactions by multiple users. Basically like a facebook post and the reactions would be the emoji reactions you can do. This is my current query to get a paged list of reflections
where: and(...filters),
with: {
user: true,
reactions: true,
orderBy: (reflections, { desc }) => [desc(reflections.createdAt), desc(],
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
where: and(...filters),
with: {
user: true,
reactions: true,
orderBy: (reflections, { desc }) => [desc(reflections.createdAt), desc(],
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
Now, instead of a list of all reaction entities, I want to have an aggregated response for the reactions. I basically want a list of something that looks like this
"reactions": [
"emotion": "LAUGHING"
"count": 21

"emotion": "CRYING"
"count": 17
"reactions": [
"emotion": "LAUGHING"
"count": 21

"emotion": "CRYING"
"count": 17
Is it possible to do that in one query? And how do I do that in drizzle without using a raw query? (Using postgress btw) Thanks in advance!
1 Reply
>> Thunder <<
>> Thunder <<6mo ago
this is easely possible by using sql functions like count and some subqueries send me a dm with some more information on the tables you are querying to and i can help you stub it out

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