mfad6mo ago

custom brown leather shoes

Ideally paired with both brown and maroon/burgundy trousers, capable of being worn in somewhat formal like work or nice events (paired here with maroon/burgundy suit) but that i can get away with as generally stylish. Not overdesigned (been warned about brogues). All help appreciated
15 Replies
what is the question
thezerferOP6mo ago
Getting customised brown leather shoes, looking for any kind of reference photo or guide for what to go for. Currently looking at Church's monkstraps
thezerferOP6mo ago
No description
thezerferOP6mo ago
Currently thinking this without the broguing
pumaturtle6mo ago
Hi there, is there a particular reason you want to go custom? You could get a pair from a place like Meermin for a fraction of the cost of a full custom pair of shoes.
thezerferOP6mo ago
I'm currently in vietnam (specifically Hoi an, where this is meant to be a thing I believe) so already paying that fraction of a price Currently looking at around $60 for these, hopefully a little less. My first ever nice pair of shoes and that seems reasonable
I’m not sure where you think you’re gonna get custom shoes for $60 Unless the shoe market in Vietnam is that consumer friendly but $60 is nowhere near enough for anything resembling a nice pair of leather shoes custom or otherwise
thezerferOP6mo ago
This is what I saw online, and me and my brother got 3 suits and 7 shirts for 500 all tailored, I think the going rate here is just significantly less than the west
All ethically made and of the highest quality I’m certain
thezerferOP6mo ago
That's something I'm trying to look at, I don't think it's a sweat shop (definitely out of my depth here but it's a nice little cozy shop recommended by a proper tailor where the woman at the front at least claimed to make everything herself) For quality that's something I'd need to investigate myself, any tips for telling quality for someone who doesn't think they can smell good leather?
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
I promise you aren't getting good construction or good leather on a pair of "custom" shoes that cost $60, even if labour costs are that much cheaper in Vietnam. If you want to do it for the novelty go ahead but it's probably a worse deal than a $60 pair of Clarks (assuming Clarks fit your feet).
thezerferOP6mo ago
That's disappointing but helpful, thanks. Where would you recommend for a good price to quality for brown leather shoes?
awburkey6mo ago
depends on the style you want and what they'll be used for
thezerferOP6mo ago
That's fair, I'm trying to thread the line between formal enough I can wear it to nice things (or, the level of nice things a student goes to) but also something that's a little bit interesting and can be worn as a nice casual, been thinking about monkstraps You guys were right, went to a more legit place here and they're charging £70 for tailored shoes
awburkey6mo ago
I’d probably pick long wing bluchers

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