Light shield or heavy shield

I heard light shield and heavy shield have very similar performance in many situations. So whats the situation that I can build light shield instead of heavy shield to save some money for next round while having similar effect to heavy shield.
22 Replies
호나6mo ago
it's v complicated I'd say if your enemies have max guns and you're going to be either camping in a corner or playing very open or an off angle is a good time, that's the most obvious ones there's a lot of situations light shield is totally fine and I think you just need to adapt to the situation
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
rain6mo ago
hey, I am currently #14k in EU. I personally buy light shield on eco rounds and when the enemy doesn't have an outlaw. Also since most people are playing vandals, they will pop you with one headshot no matter what if they hit you first. So light shield gives you 600 more creds and you can still survive 4 body shots with the vandal and phantom. The only difference is that enemies can now one tap you with a sheriff, outlaw and phantom on most distances. Generally if I don't have at least 6000 credits next round I am not buying full shield besides few exeptions. I think it is pretty useful, especially for ranked, to get a better overall economy. At the end of the day, like Lira said, your buy is depending on what the opponent is playing.
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
I can see what weapon enemies bought before the game starts? Never paid attention to that
rain6mo ago
nah you can't but for example you lose the pistol round, the enemy jett buys an outlaw, you end up losing the round and jett survives you now know the enemy jett is playing an outlaw going into the next round. that means if you buy light shield she will still be able to one tap you to the body. so in that situation I would probably buy full shield
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
So I need to predict which weapon the enemy may buy, thanks
rain6mo ago
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
Also I guess if the enemies may use low damage per hit weapons like stinger heavy shield prob will let me survive one more hit
Vortex6mo ago
depends on rank tbh if you are high rank chances are they 1 tap most of the time so heavy shield wouldnt matter but since outlaw is a thing just predict the enemies buying second round on winniners side people mostly go for outlaw so either full eco or full shield something
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
Outlaw is scary if you without a full shield
Vortex6mo ago
ye full save then
lyra6mo ago
low elo (asc and below): heavy shield high elo (immortal and up): light shield
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
Sometimes I build a SMG and try to sneak behind if I lose first round
Vortex6mo ago
yeah thats what im saying well if you lose you lose 2nd and most likely 3rd
lyra6mo ago
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
It feels bad for me if I just give up a round I dont even have a rank yet I guess im still gonna buy full shield if possible
lyra6mo ago
what was your rank last act?
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
Started the game a week ago No competitive FPS game experience Somehow a lot people are already one tapping people in the unranked matches even im new Idk if thats caused by unbalanced matchmaking for unranked @lyra [ping for reply]Will the players in like iron or bronze one tap people frequently
lyra6mo ago
nah like never
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
Unranked matchmaking is fucked then There will be almost always someone with likely 20-5 on both teams
호나6mo ago
they might be farming accounts with comp unlocked to sell
あまねちゃんOP6mo ago
I guess thats why they have such a high skill in lv20 matches

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