How to use Steamid to search for players in Battlemetrics?

How to use Steamid to search for players in Battlemetrics?
You need to be an admin/owner of a server. That server needs to be connected to Battlemetrics Rcon. Then you can search for any person that has joined your server, you won't have access to data from other servers....
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5 Replies
[EXD] Kim--
[EXD] Kim--6mo ago Requires the player to have joined a server in your organisation, or a server with which you share identifier data.
ABCOP6mo ago
Do I have to pay to join the BattleMetrics Plans program to use it?
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
You need to be an admin/owner of a server. That server needs to be connected to Battlemetrics Rcon. Then you can search for any person that has joined your server, you won't have access to data from other servers.
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
If your a member of the public trying to track someone via SteamID, ain't going to work. That data is locked down.
ABCOP6mo ago
Thank you

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