Railwayā€¢2w ago

Is there a way to get a prompt on a deployed service?

I'm trying to debug my observability setup (whether prometheus is accessible from my deployed app). Is this possible?
66 Replies
Percyā€¢2w ago
Project ID: c96ea2ca-1b03-415f-8931-5af0e51c87c4
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
what's weird is that i see an arroww from my app to postgres but not to my other deployments...is is possible that they are not on the same n etwork?
No description
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
I tried this in local and it worked
Brodyā€¢2w ago
Is there a way to get a prompt on a deployed service
there is not, railway does not provide a way to ssh into a service.
whether prometheus is accessible from my deployed app
it is as long as you are listening on ipv6 and using the correct port, as railway's private network is ipv6 only.
what's weird is that i see an arroww from my app to postgres but not to my other deployments
the arrows and their directions are dynamically detected when you use reference variables, you are likely hard coding variables when you shouldn't be - https://docs.railway.app/guides/variables#reference-variables
is is possible that they are not on the same n etwork?
its not possible, every service within a given environment in a project is in the same private network.
I tried this in local and it worked
local is likely ipv4, your services need to listen on an ipv6 host, or ideal they should all dual stack bind.
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
this is the first time i hear about this (and i've been using aws a lot)...what's an ipv6 host and how do i listen to one? what's a dual stack bind? šŸ˜… this worked literally everywhere before (local, aws, heroku) and it only fails on railway are there docs on this? also why does it work this way? it forces people to change their code so that they can facilitate the quirks of railway there must be a good reason i don't even understand why ipv6 is a concern when i'm using domain names eg: "http://prometheus:1234" i checked and there is no docs on this id mentions that private networking uses wireguard and some sort of mesh (whatever those might be) but no details on what this means when i try to send metrics/traces
Brodyā€¢2w ago
IPv6 is not a quirk at all, and not something specific to Railway, you just happen to always work on networks with IPv4 before. There are docs for this - https://docs.railway.app/reference/private-networking https://docs.railway.app/guides/private-networking because the domain names will resolve to an IPv6 address
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
so why can't i send metrics from prometheus and traces from tempo? I get that, but the fact is that my code worked everywhere else i only have to change it because of railway
Brodyā€¢2w ago
yep, as mentioned everywhere else just happened to be IPv4
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
you don't get my point and this is a tendency here you implement something, cut corners by not implementing ipv4, and then you imply that all of this is totally OK, and your users are to blame for not thinking about the corners you cut šŸ˜… and this is not the first case šŸ˜’ i'm not saying that you're not right, but from a user perspective it is a slap on the face
Brodyā€¢2w ago
not implementing IPv4 is not corner cutting, IPv6 was introduced over two decade ago
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
in your opinion see, that again my program works everywhere but here but all blame is assigned to me
Brodyā€¢2w ago
I don't like to compare but Fly.io's private network is also IPv6 only
Hexworkerā€¢2w ago
haven't used it
Brodyā€¢2w ago
Just an example to show that we are not the only ones who choose to use a newer standard
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