EMQX I can't use ws connection
I'm trying to use the standard template, I can use the mqtt protocol but I haven't found a way to use ws
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what issues are you running into?
I couldn't use the ws connection, I didn't understand which url to use or the port
Connection using mqtt protocol works normally
wss://<public TCP proxy>:<TCP proxy port>
caddy public domain? just?
what does caddy have to do with this?
there are two domains > caddy-production-bf9e.up.railway.app,
The other domain is junction.proxy.rlwy.net, I used this to access the mqtt protocol
you would use the TCP proxy
Sorry, I couldn't understand, I tried several ways, but it didn't work
Where could I be going wrong?
^ what happens when you use this format
I'm trying to connect using mqttx, it requires a port even in the wss protocol, when I try to use the ports that are in the env, it doesn't connect, it keeps reconnecting
then you would need to provide the port
^ updated
This works, but only on the mqtt protocol
domain and public port
may I ask what you need websockets for?
Use on mobile
you said the mqtt protocol works fine
It didn't work, for mobile use the ideal is ws or wss, I don't know why, but I couldn't use the EMQX template