Cloudflare pages preset
Hi, if I'm hosting my nuxt app in cloudflare, do I need to still set this preset?
The reason I ask, is that I want to do some image manipulation in my api route so I'm using
but this doesnt seem compatible when I use that preset?
I guess this is out of the realm of here - but - is there another image manipulation library I can do which is compatible with cloudflare pages environment? Thanks2 Replies
I was able to deploy sharp -- see issues comment:
But now I'm getting some runtime errors so I need to figure that out:
Nuxt build failed on Cloudflare Pages. Cannot resolve "@img/sharp-w...
Possible bug Is this a possible bug in a feature of sharp, unrelated to installation? Running npm install sharp completes without error. Running node -e "require('sharp')" complet...
lol fair point I ended up using jsquash:
GitHub - jamsinclair/jSquash: Browser & Web Worker focussed image c...
Browser & Web Worker focussed image codec wasm bundles derived from the Squoosh App. - jamsinclair/jSquash