15 Replies
Note for OP
+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.c hai
Wahi kiya hai ok

54 and 55 sahi hai?
ig 54 is correct
55 khud karle
Transcription requested by GHaTOTKaCH
Hi, इस type के सॉअल मैंने period table जो session है मैंने किये, उसमें किये है, you can check those out. Also, if you want to ask like a lot of questions on one doubt, one suggestion is that you just do it on a thread and call it a chemistry thread and do that. यहाँ पे, ask maybe one doubt जिसमें ज़्यादा मुश्किल हो रही है और something नहीं समझ में आ रहा है, that you can post here, so you can post the name of the concept and name of chapter, that can be the name of the doubt. You can ask, अगर ज़्यादा आपको डॉट करना है, you just make a thread, ask the module, tell you कि थ्रेड कैसे बनाना होता है, on the study chat, you can make a thread and ask कि हे यह डॉट, वो डॉट, whatever you want, जो आपको help कर सकता है इसमें.
I did, im asking is it correct?
Okay thank you
Your welcome :]
+solved @stormycloud
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