413 Request entity too large (cloudflare)
Hi, iam hosting a Server on Railway with Django and gunicorn. We are experiencing an issue, that occurs when submitting a form with files that get around 450mb. Is there a way to work around this? Or to edit the server settings that it is possible to upload those larger files? The error comes from cloudflare
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I saw that cloudlfare only supports up to 100MB on the free plan... any way to work around it?
First, I would say it's unrelated to Railway.
Are you uploading to R2? where did you see the 100MB limit? https://developers.cloudflare.com/r2/platform/limits/#account-plan-limits
Cloudflare Docs
Limits | Cloudflare R2 docs
Managed public bucket access through an r2.dev subdomain is not intended for production usage and has a rate limit applied to it. If you exceed the rate limit, requests through your r2.dev subdomain will be temporarily throttled and you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response. For production use cases, consider linking a custom domain to y...
Hi i saw it right here:
and here:
We just make a POST request on our server and in this request we process the data and upload it to an S3 Bucket. I thought the cloudflare as our DNS server blocks the request
I don't have any experiences with Cloudflare Tunnel, can't you upload to R2/S3 straight away without using the Tunnel?
Otherwise, this comment from your second link is the answer you are looking for "To work around, you can modify your code to upload large files in chunks each less than 100MB ...."