error: relation "X" does not exist

Hi I've been trying for awhile and can't seem to figure this out. I converted from prisma to use Drizzle. It works locally in my docker container but when I build my TS project then try run it or deploy it I get the following error... error: relation "tours" does not exist export const tours = pgTable("tours", { id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(), sport: uuid("sport").notNull(), fullName: varchar("full_name", { length: 255 }).notNull(), name: varchar("name", { length: 255 }).notNull(), slug: varchar("slug", { length: 255 }).notNull(), logo: varchar("logo", { length: 255 }), }, (table) => { return { slugUnique: uniqueIndex("tours_slug_unique").using("btree", table.slug.asc().nullsLast()), toursSportForeign: foreignKey({ columns: [], foreignColumns: [], name: "tours_sport_foreign" }), } }); // When I call this I get error: relation "tours" does not exist const tour = await{ where: eq(tours.slug, 'pga-tour'), });
2 Replies
HaydzOP7mo ago
I can run the query in drizzle studio, something must happen when my TS app gets built eek
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HaydzOP7mo ago
I think i've got it working? I changed my db.ts file to use the connectionString instead of passing in host/port/.. etc. connectionString does have ?schema=public at the end as well, so maybe try that 🤷‍♂️ import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/node-postgres'; import { Client } from 'pg'; import * as schema from './schema'; export const client = new Client({ connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL!, // host: process.env.DB_HOST!, // port: Number(process.env.DB_PORT!), // user: process.env.DB_USERNAME!, // password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD!, // database: process.env.DB_NAME!, }); export const db = drizzle(client, { schema });

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