Blocking * ingress IPs breaks CF Tunnels

I use a Hardware firewall (Hetzner), but when I block all ingress IPs (following the Docs), the tunnel state immediately goes down. Starting log stream it shows that the connection fails and starts retrying periodically. (Log stream does not immediately disconnect) I tried looking for IPs and Ports to whitelist on the hardware firewall, but to no avail. What IP addresses and Ports should i excempt from my ingress traffic block?
4 Replies
LoloOP6mo ago
Please ping me when replying
Erisa6mo ago
Could you share the log lines with the errors? If your firewall isnt stateful then you probably need to allow some UDP ports, this post says for one person allowing 8443/udp ingress works and another person said they had to allow the range 32768-65535 UDP (though I dont know if you need the whole range)
Erisa6mo ago
Hetzner Cloudflare Tunnel - Failed to dial to edge with quic - Chri...
Cloudflare Tunnels on Hetzner servers may fail with the error "failed to dial to edge with quic" - here's how you solve it.
LoloOP6mo ago
ill try the solutions in there, thank you sadly i currently dont have access to the server, so ill reply with the logs and whether it worked later Thank you Erisa! This worked flawlessly

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