

I keep stuttering/lagging back because of packetloss it makes me lose alot of gunfights but for some reason its only on valorant and I dont know why.
5 Replies
Tenshi | 天使
Tenshi | 天使7mo ago
Same here bro. The BS is so annoying because I’ve tried practically all the fixes on the internet and nothing works. Usually at least one thing would work but I’ve got NOTHING working. I personally keep get 1-3% packet losses consistently and even that is enough to make you miss shots and put you at a massive disadvantage in every gunfight. I literally can’t play because the enemies do mini teleports every time. If you find a fix. PLEASE lmk
SwipeOP7mo ago
Fuck it if you cant win with packet loss beat the packetloss
Jidat7mo ago
Packet loss is ur isp's fault most of the time
SwipeOP7mo ago
what does isp stand for? oh I see I dont think it is tho i never have packetloss on csgo
lyra7mo ago
what's your isp and can you press win + r and type msinfo32 and show me? and what's your servers?

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