Does drizzle support querying across multiple mysql databases (same mysql server)?

Here's some 'rough' code to demonstrate what I'm attempting to do... basically I have tables in two mysql databases (same mysql server). I can write SQL to query data from tables in different databases, but am struggling to get drizzle to do it. I saw that drizzle allows defining the database with mysqlSchema(). Looking at the query that is being generated, it is not using the mysql database (mysqlSchema). When the query is generated, it thinks both tables in the same mysql database (mysqlSchema). Maybe the 'rqb' doesn't support multiple databases or does drizzle not support querying across them yet?
const schema1 = mysqlSchema('schema1');
const schema2 = mysqlSchema('schema2');

const table_a = schema1.table('table_a', {
id: int('id'),
const table_b = schema2.table('table_b', {
id: int('id'),
tblA_ref: int('a_ref').references(() =>,

const tbl_b_relations = relations(table_b, ({ one }) => ({
tblA: one(...)

const schema = { table_a, table_b, tbl_b_relations };

const poolConnection = mysql.createPool(...);

const db = drizzle(poolConnection, {

const results = db.query.table_b.findMany({
with: {
tblA: true
const schema1 = mysqlSchema('schema1');
const schema2 = mysqlSchema('schema2');

const table_a = schema1.table('table_a', {
id: int('id'),
const table_b = schema2.table('table_b', {
id: int('id'),
tblA_ref: int('a_ref').references(() =>,

const tbl_b_relations = relations(table_b, ({ one }) => ({
tblA: one(...)

const schema = { table_a, table_b, tbl_b_relations };

const poolConnection = mysql.createPool(...);

const db = drizzle(poolConnection, {

const results = db.query.table_b.findMany({
with: {
tblA: true
5 Replies
Mario5646mo ago
RQB currently doesn't support multiple schemas. This will likely be addressed in RQB v2
mr_pablo6mo ago
Any update on this? I have a use case for multiple databases on the same server. @asch where did you get up to without being able to use RQB?
aschOP6mo ago
If you need to query across databases then I believe you have to use If you just need to access both databases then just create multiple connections.
mr_pablo6mo ago
yea, i need to query across the 2 DBs. Did you ever actually try it? Using, how would I target the different databases?
[JAUNE] Aynur
[JAUNE] Aynur2w ago
Any update on that ?

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