gaps between beacon beams when placed horizontally
when a lot of beacons are placed side by side, there are 1-block wide gaps randomly in the middle and it's quite off-putting

5 Replies
Seems like precision issue for all that matters. Will need James' input on this for better explanation.
man these imprecision issues suck because my beacon beam wall looks weird with gaps
Is it a percission issue or are the beacons just missing?
Turn on LOD only mode (advanced config -> debug) and see if the beacons are actually being rendered.
If not break and re-place the beacon block.
the beacons are not rendered
it's a precision issue
because i've painstakingly placed every beacon by hand
beacon broken and replaced
not rendering any of the previously missing ones
there's actually a gap in between those beacons
Should be fixed in the nightly build.