2 Build Failed white Local Setup

Can anyone help me with this one? What am I doing wrong? This happened When I tried:
npm run setup:project
npm run setup:project
I would really appreciate help. Thanks. ERROR MESSAGE
> NX Ran target build for 32 projects (5m)

√ 19/21 succeeded [18 read from cache]

× 2/21 targets failed, including the following:
- nx run @novu/js:build
- nx run @novu/ee-dal:build

View structured, searchable error logs at https://nx.app/runs/6ipofvn97B

 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
> NX Ran target build for 32 projects (5m)

√ 19/21 succeeded [18 read from cache]

× 2/21 targets failed, including the following:
- nx run @novu/js:build
- nx run @novu/ee-dal:build

View structured, searchable error logs at https://nx.app/runs/6ipofvn97B

 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
2 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain7mo ago
@Sanket Bhiwapurkar Try this
npm run clean
npm run setup:project
npm run clean
npm run setup:project
@Sanket Bhiwapurkar ping
Sanket Bhiwapurkar
Sanket BhiwapurkarOP7mo ago
Sorry for the late reply. No the solution didn't work. I will update the issue tonight. I think this problem is particular to my machine. If you have other solutions let me know.

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