sql placeholder with an array throws an error

when executing this code:
const prepQuery = db
.where(inArray(table.postId, sql.placeholder("postIds")))

const result = await prepQuery.execute({
postIds: ["esaeasdas", "esaeasdas", "esaeasdas"]
const prepQuery = db
.where(inArray(table.postId, sql.placeholder("postIds")))

const result = await prepQuery.execute({
postIds: ["esaeasdas", "esaeasdas", "esaeasdas"]
Drizzle throws an error: syntax error at or near \"$1\. The code works when I execute the prepared query without the sql.placeholder, hardcoding an argument inside prepQuery - the error is not reproduced anyway else. Do I need to pass the array of strings there differently? I tried converting it into a string, but that does not work neither.
1 Reply
Angelelz7mo ago
Prepared statements don’t work with arrays They only save one placeholder An array need one placeholder per item

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