Your Worker exceeded the size limit of 1 MiB

How? I tried already quite a few thing in my my nextjs 14 app. This is the app:
export default function Home() {
return null;
// return <Client />;
// import Client from "./client";
// import dynamic from "next/dynamic";

// const Client = dynamic(() => import("./client").then((mod) => mod.Client), {
// loading: () => <p>Loading...</p>,
// });
export default function Home() {
return null;
// return <Client />;
// import Client from "./client";
// import dynamic from "next/dynamic";

// const Client = dynamic(() => import("./client").then((mod) => mod.Client), {
// loading: () => <p>Loading...</p>,
// });
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1 Reply
Erisa6mo ago
Probably better asked in #next-on-pages or #pages-help so it gets the right eyes on it

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