i had a pubg id named ZOD DEVIL back in 2019-20 i was playing pharoh and old modes with my brother
All of sudden pubg banned in india and i forgot to transfer my pubg account to bgmi account
So is there any possibility that i can login my old zod devil pubg account in any version of pubg 🥹
Solution:Jump to solution
There is no way to transfer the game account to another version anymore.
If you are currently located in a region/country that the game is restricted/unavailable in, you will not be able to access to the game....
3 Replies
my pubg namw serch if possible
There is no way to transfer the game account to another version anymore.
If you are currently located in a region/country that the game is restricted/unavailable in, you will not be able to access to the game.
Okk thank you
@.Ṇadïa.🌴 mam/sir is there any way that i can transfer my pubg account to a 2nd fb account or into bgmi account