Zamasu OP

Zamasu needs regen nerf.
7 Replies
sandvich enjoyer
Nah keep him as it is
Gifted IV
Gifted IV7mo ago
They just need cards that counter regen.
Mr. Tinkles
Mr. Tinkles7mo ago
Nah. You're just blinded because you think he's the "goat". I enjoyed playing him at first too but quickly realized how lame he is. No challenge and super boring. He needs to be balanced.
busydon7mo ago
that's cool and all but he's like the worst tank once u get past a couple levels
1mmAnue17mo ago
If u and ur teamates both push a zamasu then u can kill him easier He's not to op As long as u have a strong team to counter Zamasu isn't a problem
doubleOP7mo ago
If a character requires a team to counter…
1mmAnue17mo ago
Ment as in 2 teamates push him Alone depends what charecter ur using But ye i guess now u think about it his regen needs a slight nerf Maybe have it so it takes longer to gain the regen

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