Nested queries

Based on the provided schema, how to react the query to fetch first 25 posts a long with their comments and reactions, and each comment have it's own reaction, anyone have any ideas?
export const now = () => sql<Date>`now()`

export const post = pgTable('posts', {
id: integer('id',).primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow().notNull(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at')
title: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
content: text('content').notNull()

export const reaction = pgTable('reactions', {
id: integer('id',).primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow().notNull(),
type: ReactionType('type').notNull(),
key: varchar('key', { length: 255 }).notNull()

export const comment = pgTable('comments', {
id: integer('id',).primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow().notNull(),
content: text('content').notNull(),
postsID: integer('post_id').references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' }).notNull()
export const now = () => sql<Date>`now()`

export const post = pgTable('posts', {
id: integer('id',).primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow().notNull(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at')
title: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
content: text('content').notNull()

export const reaction = pgTable('reactions', {
id: integer('id',).primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow().notNull(),
type: ReactionType('type').notNull(),
key: varchar('key', { length: 255 }).notNull()

export const comment = pgTable('comments', {
id: integer('id',).primaryKey().generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow().notNull(),
content: text('content').notNull(),
postsID: integer('post_id').references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' }).notNull()
1 Reply
Anas Badran
Anas BadranOP7mo ago
the key field in reaction can be in these two forms: - post-{postID}, eg: post-123. - comment-{commentID, eg: comment-123.

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