Nuxtβ€’7mo ago

Reset component state after navigation

I have a page that only includes 1 component (because I reuse it across multiple pages). However, this leads to unexpected behavior: Whenever I navigate back to the page, it still has the old state. Is there a way to make sure this state is reset after navigation, without having to manually do this? ssr is off btw according to chatgpt, the state should reset between mounts and unmounts, so maybe its a bug? i currently use
22 Replies
Melvinβ€’7mo ago
How do you manage your state?
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
Any chances for minimal repro on Stackblitz?
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
for example
const state = ref({ foo: 'bar' });
const state = ref({ foo: 'bar' });
if user executes: state.value.foo = 'baz' and then exits the page navigating back to the page still has state.foo set to baz what can I use as boilerplate?
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
https://nuxt.new/ @Revadike Did you fix it already? You seem very quiet πŸ‘»
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
No Been busy I cant get it reproduced in a new environment
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
Here is the relevant code. Maybe you can spot the problem?
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
It would make sense if I would be coworker in your team. But I don't have time nor motivation to go through so many lines of unfamiliar code to spot something that does not belong there. If you cannot extract the faulty code and make it easy to run and fiddle with on StackBlitz or CodeSandbox, I'm out, sorry.
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
sure I can add you as collaborator, i appreciate your time and help! what is your gh username
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
I started it locally. Can I reproduce the problem without filling out all the FIREBASE_* variables?
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
yeah start the emulators
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
Not really, but I managed to set them up. Please generate me a new Steam API Key. My account "does not meet the requirements for a developer API key". Send via DM
Melvinβ€’7mo ago
Have you tried asking claude? It's been really good at analyzing spaghetti and spotting potential causees of bugs
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
sure i'll try prompt: find bugs plz πŸ™‚ well, i actually asked chatgpt before and claude is giving me the same suggestions basically, either reset manually, or force rerender. Neither really work for me.
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
rubber ducks are cheaper and don't make stuff up... I don't get what you kids see in these unsustainable pseudo-products pumped by venture capitalists' money (sorry for opinion plug, I don't want to start off-topic here)
Melvinβ€’7mo ago
lmao You're completely free to hinder yourself by refusing to use a tool due to your own biases. But please refrain from diluting a conversation with an opinion plug in the future. I've found much help using Large Language Models for advanced auto-complete (Github Co-Pilot) as well as rubber ducking, laying out a roadmap, brainstorming and code-generation (Claude). It's the same as the javascript purists before the framework revolution where they refused to use any build tools because "it'll only make development process more cumbersome and harder". It's nonsense, if used correctly LLMs are amazing productivity tools that help developers build better, more qualitative products in a shorter amount of time.
Melvinβ€’7mo ago
No description
Melvinβ€’7mo ago
Claude indeed suggests manually resetting but comes up with a few other clever solutions: 1. use definePageMeta with keepalive: false 2. use a shallowRef instead of ref Could you try these (individually) and see if the caching still persists? Option 1 is useful if you want to ensure the entire page component is re-created on each visit. Option 2 can be helpful if you're only changing top-level properties of the state object.
RevadikeOPβ€’7mo ago
yup tried these turns out it was an issue re-assigning imports Thanks @Jacek
Melvinβ€’7mo ago
Ah great πŸ™‚
Jacekβ€’7mo ago
Well... Claude was hardly clever here. It just pointed to a feature that loosely matches keywords and if you actually visit Nuxt documentation for keepalive, you will learn that following its advice would be wrong thing to do and that it mostly lied.

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