Create button on relation manager just animates spinning circle one time and does not submit.
I am working on building a relation manager for ClientCarrierAvailableTrucks. When I click the Create button after filling in form data the Create button animates with a circle one time and nothing happens, no data is submitted to the databse and the modal remains on screen. I had the same behavior with my other relation manager when a hidden field was marked as required that was getting filled in on submit. I have thoroughly (I believe) removed any requirements for hidden textinputs yet this still does not submit correctly.
I am a bit new to laravel/php/filament.
I have attached the relation manager and associated models as well as the resource in which the relation manager is located.
Any assistance is highly appreciated as I am stuck.
18 Replies
if you inspect the browser, what happens with the network request?
I get a 200
If you review the response what is in the body?
It could be ther esponse isn't being returned
first on update then on open?op=get&id=blahblahblah
taking a peek
this is the response
to open at least - lemme grab the other
oh sorry that was to update - grabbing open
I have no clue how to interpret this but here is the response to open?op-etcetc
Here you are having an exception or a dump/dd command
install Sentry and then you can see the error logging
I think I found the file where that's occurring π€
attching here for anyone who searches later and finds themselves in a similar predicament
I stand corrected - I had a dd there with a comment - took the dd out but not the comment.
FYI if you use telescope, it will show you dump logs etc too.
For clarity - this is not solved - I misspoke about finding a dd. I still cannot get this to function π
My apologies for my new-ness to all of this.
I would say to look into it more
Check the model? and each command, a relationship manager isn't saving for a reason
I'll keep digging - thanks for all the insight!