17 Replies
didnt even know SOTF's player was a character
Timmy goes missing
i want jack
jack is a great character
We would have also crafted the double bed
maybe dont talk about fucking virginia
double bed is hella comfy
its not far fetched to think he did on the island, just its not in the game for marketting and design reasons lmao
we arent
we are talking about special cuddle time
It’s important lore for solving the game
it's lore bro, she's pregnant and we wanna figure out if
A) they banged on the island so shes longer than 5 months pregnant
B) they did not and there's some horribly wrong with her baby if her belly is that big at 5 months
i think thats something endnight needs to explain to us
Idk 5 months for it looks fine I think
3 arm hugs would be pretty nice
she can hug you whilst patting your head