Undefined variable $isSearchOnBlur
When I run website locally, the website runs smoothly without any problems, but when I upload the website to the hosting, the error "Undefined variable $isSearchOnBlur" comes out, then I check the code again locally and I find that the error occurs when the export function is used ( laravel excel ) I have tried searching and trying again by reading the documentation but the error still appears
please help me 🥲

7 Replies
Are you updating your composer and node packages on the hosting
yaps, I've done those two things, either via the command line or copying all the folders that have been built locally to the host but the results are the same
Please share the Stack trace
Can you run:
php artisan about
and let us know your filamentphp version? 8 months ago it was added
search on blur was added on
you need to update
I just realized it, thanks, My mistake was only based on the first number of the version, I'll try updating the filament
My mistake, it turns out I forgot to execute the filament update, only updating in the req-dev 😅
Thank you very much to @toeknee , @Dennis Koch and @Vp