PATH problems with hombrew

I am having several PATH problems with my bazzite install on my desktop PC first sometimes brew packages are randomly not found for example I have the bazzite-cli bling enabled and running cat gives
cat .bash_profile
fish: Unknown command: bat
~/.config/fish/functions/ (line 2):
bat $argv
in function 'cat' with arguments '.bash_profile'
cat .bash_profile
fish: Unknown command: bat
~/.config/fish/functions/ (line 2):
bat $argv
in function 'cat' with arguments '.bash_profile'
but i get this if I try to install bat
brew install bat
==> Downloading
###################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
Warning: bat 0.24.0_1 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 0.24.0_1, run:
brew reinstall bat
brew install bat
==> Downloading
###################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
Warning: bat 0.24.0_1 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 0.24.0_1, run:
brew reinstall bat
and when brew packages are working they override my system packages for example
which systemctl
which systemctl
updated again and rebooted and its working now :shruggie: anyway my unlinked systemd with brew unlink systemd and now no system packages are getting overriden to brew packages so seems like my brew problems are fixed...
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16 Replies
zany1305w ago
A database of all the hardware that works under linux
zany1305w ago
intrestingly if I run bash first then fish bat starts working. so the issue is that fish is no longer seeing hombrew stuff in the path no idea why it was working earlier today....
zany1305w ago
ah probably at least my first problem. still don't know whats up with my second problem of brew paths overriding system paths
Zeglius5w ago
Thats normal, happens to me as well. You can fix that with brew unlink systemd
zany1305w ago
@Kyle Gospo and @j0rge where saying thats not supposed to happen
Zeglius5w ago
thats with me
No description
Zeglius5w ago
but thats with python, other dependencies (like systemd) might not be excluded by default from brew PATH I had to unlink systemd in my case
Zeglius5w ago
gonna post this so we keep track of the problem regarding brew programs not in PATH automatically
Zeglius5w ago
Alright, merged. So the PATH issue will be fixed with the next update
zany1304w ago
is the update with the fix live yet? still getting
fish: Unknown command: eza
~/.config/fish/functions/ (line 2):
eza -l -F auto --icons always --hyperlink -a -g -h -M -t modified --git -o $argv
in function 'ls'
fish: Unknown command: eza
~/.config/fish/functions/ (line 2):
eza -l -F auto --icons always --hyperlink -a -g -h -M -t modified --git -o $argv
in function 'ls'
Zeglius4w ago
Just updated rn, it's live
zany1304w ago
Still getting the same error just updated....
Zeglius4w ago
Mmm. Suspecting has something to do with the bazzite-cli thingy then Try disabling it to see if it works without it
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