Bug in v3.2.105
Getting this error (see attached) :
Uncaught ReferenceError: selectedRecords is not defined
Fixed by downgrading to v3.2.10223 Replies
Try upgrading to 105
Same error
Any custom columns?
I can confirm it's related to RelationManager for a given Resource
Does it have a json column? That’s the only thing related to tables that I’m seeing updated for tables in 103.
No, Only TextColumn for string columns
Weird. According to GitHub 105 hasn’t even been tagged as latest yet. I know there was something else going on with another issue today.
May be, and the error appears only on Resources having RelationManagers
Haven’t seen any other reports. Looks like it’s tied to bulk actions. Can you remove those one at a time to see if you can isolate it.
Ok i'll see
following as I am experiencing similar behavior. My workaround to get the errors to cease was to comment out bulk actions on my table.
(I only had delete bulk action)
Same error, but it goes if I comment the relationManagers from the Resource class 😄
The bulkAction works fine in simple resource
I’d say since both of you are having similar issues with relation managers that it sounds like an issue in core. It is odd that it’s 2 different error messages though. But I haven’t seen anything wrong with any code.
Please submit an issue on GitHub.
Sorry ! My bad, the bug is in the last version : 3.2.105
also happen to me, downgrading to 102 fixed it
Also confirmed that
breaks relations manager while 3.2.104
doesn'tAlso happen to me after updated today.
also happened to me and downgrading to
fixed it.v3.2.106 reverts the original PR that caused the problems to start so that should be safe to upgrade to @BKF Dev @DJ SneezyCheese @Stevee @Zen Dev @null;void
fixed! thank you 💜 . RelationManager works without errors in
on my end.
upgradedFixed, thank you very much.
Thanks dear @Dan Harrin 🙂