Opening a modal with create
How can I open a modal through Filament standard create button? I need the modal to open for printing a label of a specific resource.
5 Replies
try Action::make()->form or Action::make()->modal and put an Infolist inside...
When creating a resource, add a --simple flag and the new and edit buttons will become modals automatically
If you’ve already created the resource just delete the CreateRecord page.
After filling out the fields and clicking the 'Create' button, I want to show a modal asking if the user wants to perform a specific action. If they don't want to, the modal simply closes and the standard sequence of events continues. The modal should appear on this screen.
You can replace the Action within the create page that is a standard Action with your own requiresConfrimation() or form().
You can then put what you want to do in action().
You can replace the cancel action for the modal too.