Budget leather shoes that are good quality?
Any suggestions? I’ve heard Clark’s is pretty good. Preferably under 100
8 Replies
Any pics of the kind of shoe you’re looking for
yeah Clarks rule in my opinion but like kyn said, that’s a wide ranging category
also are you open to buying secondhand; $100 will yield very different things based on how you shop
I’m looking for some nice leather oxfords
For oxfords you'll get a lot more for your money if you buy secondhand, there aren't many good options new for $100
used on eBay from regular brands like Alden and Allen Edmonds
I would recommend visiting a store like Allen Edmonds in person if you can to get your feet measured so you can buy a used pair online
would recommend that for aldens as well (if possible), or at least reading up on the different lasts