Tabs Form error

Hi everyone i have a bug or problem. I have a case where i have a more forms in the tabs for multi languages. The problem appear when i want to submit mine form and i did not fill the content for the all the tabs i get the error like i should, but the problem is that now on the rest of the mine forms rich editors elements are not working they are disabled do you know how i can solve this bug. Is this filament bug or mine bug. Down below you have an example how it looks like. I have no console errors also at the newtwork tab i have a only one request that is livewire update status code 200
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3 Replies
mile4841OP7mo ago
Code i am making the tabs
public static function getForm(): array

$tabs = [];
$languages = Languages::cases();
foreach($languages as $lang)
$tabs[] = Tab::make(Languages::getFullName($lang->name))
->enableToolbarButtons(['h1', 'h2'])
->extraInputAttributes(['style' => 'max-height: 350px; overflow: scroll'])
return $tabs;
public static function getForm(): array

$tabs = [];
$languages = Languages::cases();
foreach($languages as $lang)
$tabs[] = Tab::make(Languages::getFullName($lang->name))
->enableToolbarButtons(['h1', 'h2'])
->extraInputAttributes(['style' => 'max-height: 350px; overflow: scroll'])
return $tabs;
i call the function getForm from the resources like these
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
The problem stops when i remove spa on the mine panel Does anyone knows some workaround to stop this error. SpaExceptions is not working also
avinmaster2mo ago
+1 here
toeknee2mo ago
Please create a reproduction repository and submit a github issue.

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